Interventions and Corrective Actions

Interventions and Corrective Actions

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a proactive approach to promote positive behavior resulting in improved academic outcomes, school safety and overall satisfaction of the school experience for students, families and staff. The focus of PBIS is prevention and intervention. In other words, PBIS is a process of teaching, reinforcing and recognizing the behaviors that lead to student success instead of simply punishing misbehavior.

At its heart, PBIS focuses on evidence-based practices that provide a common language and focus for behavioral expectations; instruction and communication toward them; recognition when they are met; and interventions/corrective actions when they are not met. The supports are provided within the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) model that focuses on universal supports for all (Tier 1), supplemental supports for some (Tier 2) and intensive supports for the few that need them (Tier 3).

PBIS is recognized by The School District of Lee County as a necessary and vital component of a complete behavior support and discipline system. All schools are required to adopt and implement PBIS or a similar positive behavior support system. Currently, seventy-four (74) Lee County schools are trained by, and active with the Florida PBIS Project, with twenty-nine (29) attaining Model School status. Schools supplement positive behavior support systems with social skills instruction, Restorative Practices, and other programs that increase the ability of staff and students to handle conflict, develop social skills, and create positive school cultures. Each school has a dedicated team that continually reviews school attendance, behavior and course performance data to problem solve and determine needed adjustments/new supports. The School District of Lee County continues to support the implementation of positive behavior systems and strategies through training and technical assistance.

The outcomes are significant. Research studies on PBIS conclude it leads to better student behavior including reduced numbers of referrals, suspensions, and bullying incidents. Students learn positive behavior expectations and strategies that will serve them throughout their lives at home, work and in the community.


Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices are not just about discipline. They support the development of a positive classroom culture, build community and strengthen the connections within the group, as well as between learners and the teacher. This translates into increased opportunities for high quality instruction and greater student engagement. Multiple studies across the United States confirm the positive effects of Restorative Practices on graduation rates, social competencies, academic achievement while also reducing behaviors or activities that negatively impact student success. Outcomes of implementing Restorative Practices include reduced student suspensions and improved school climate, two vital factors that influence student achievement.

The following three strategies are the pillars of the Restorative Practices framework, and currently being implemented in our Lee County schools.

  • Affective Communication
    • Expression of feelings in response to an action, provides feedback and information to support repairing any harm that may have been done.
    • Questions facilitate reflection on how behavior impacts others, how situation can be repaired/responsibility taken and what victim may need to be able to move forward.
  • Proactive & Restoration Circles
    • Experience that allows students to share thoughts, feelings and ideas as a vehicle to build trust, community and shared values systems/behavioral expectations. Allows peers to engage in group problem solving, allows for conversations focusing on repairing harm and restoring relationships.
  • Restorative Conferences
    • Structured interaction utilizing restorative communication and focusing on taking responsibility, identifying harm, repairing relationships and building empathy.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Behavior Intervention Guide

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) behavior intervention guide is intended as a resource for parents and educators to assist in integrating academic and behavioral supports and services into a fluid and seamless system of multi-tiered service delivery for all students in the school setting. The MTSS model for instruction and intervention is based on the principle that academic and behavioral supports are first provided at a core or universal level to effectively address the needs of all students in a school, referred to as Tier 1. However, not all students respond to the same curricula and teaching strategies. As a result, some students with identified needs will receive supplemental or targeted instruction and intervention at Tier 2. Finally, at Tier 3, a few students with the most intensive needs will receive the most intensive and individualized behavioral and/or academic supports.

Samples of interventions students may receive at the different levels of support

Universal Supports

Proactive Student Engagement Strategies... (may include but are not limited to) prevent student disengagement such as

Social skills group (lunch or after school); social skills lessons; write a social story or review an available social story; Circles

Role-playing (to teach replacement behavior)

Limit activities (but not exclude), i.e. offer a select number of activities

De-escalation with a familiar adult (taking a walk or time in a quiet space while supervised, create an Intervention Center)

In-house service opportunity (work in the cafe, teach / mentor younger students, peer buddy)

Assign a success mentor (Check and Connect); check in / check out; relationship / trust building adult to student; practice culturally relevant and responsive teaching; mediation opportunities

Point sheets; self-monitoring checklists; Think Sheets

Peer mediations

Reflection counseling with behavior “coach”

“Caught you being good” (random awards) and positive referrals

Attendance incentives

Student participation in visual supports (task completion puzzle, break card)

Environmental restoration

Home visits or phone calls made by both teacher and administrator for positive referrals

Mini-skill reviews (i.e. exit ticket, video clip)

Reflect on how the behavior impacts others and yourself (narrative, picture); write yourself a positive letter; draw a picture of yourself engaging in appropriate schoolbehavior and meeting expectations; write an apology letter

Small group session

Pre-teaching the appropriate response to emotional / behavioral situations (ex: Second Step mini-lessons)

School-wide and classroom expectations

Classroom behavior support plan / structure in place (i.e. Zones of Regulation - Zones check in and behavior mapping)

  • Inappropriate social behaviors

  • Cheating

  • Property destruction

  • Dress code violation

  • Horseplay

  • Peer conflict

  • Petty theft

  • Skipping

  • Tardiness

  • Visiting an unauthorized area

  • Bullying

  • Disruptive behavior

  • Improper electronic device use

  • False accusations

  • Fighting

  • Forgery

  • Harassment

  • Insubordination

  • Use of profanity

  • Safety violation

  • Use of threats/intimidation

  • Trespassing

  • Vandalism