

School Violence

ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY WITH SCHOOL-RELATED VIOLENT CRIMES AND FOR THE GUN-FREE SCHOOL ACT: To comply with the State Board of Education Rule for Zero Tolerance for school-related violent crimes and for the Gun-Free School Act, families and students must understand that certain criminal acts, violent acts and disruptive behavior occurring on School Board property, on school-sponsored transportation or during school-sponsored activities must be reported to local law enforcement. These acts include but are not limited to homicide, sexual battery, armed robbery, aggravated battery, battery on a teacher or other school personnel, kidnapping or abduction, arson, possession, use or sale of any firearm, razor blade, box cutter, knife or explosive device, willful property damage, bomb threats, conspiring or inciting a riot, trespassing on school property, possession or sale of illegal drugs or alcohol and sexual harassment. The School District's definition of weapons is broader than the definition for weapons listed in Chapter 790 Florida Statutes. The use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful. Information about alcohol and other drug counseling and rehabilitation programs is available through the student services office. When a student is convicted or pleads no contest to certain violent crimes, the offender must be separated from the victim and siblings of the victim, upon notification from the Department of Juvenile Justice.

  • Any student committing violent criminal acts will be subject to the most severe consequences including suspension / expulsion.
  • Any student found possessing, selling or using a firearm shall be subject to expulsion from the regular program for a period of not less than one (1) year.
  • Any student charged with aggravated assault, battery or aggravated battery against a School Board employee in violation of Florida statute shall be subject to alternative reassignment or expulsion, as appropriate (Section 784.081, Florida Statutes). Upon being charged, the student shall be removed from the classroom immediately and placed in an alternative school setting pending disposition.
  • The aforementioned provisions adopt the State Board of Education Rule for Zero Tolerance for School-Related Crimes and for the Gun-Free Schools Act. School Board Policy 5500 addresses Zero Tolerance for school-related crimes.

Florida's Policy of Zero Tolerance for Crime and Victimization requires that upon notification by the Department of Juvenile Justice the District assures offender is prohibited from attending the school or riding on a school bus whenever the victim or sibling of the victim is attending the same school or riding on the same school bus (Section 1006.13, Florida Statutes).

Any student who is determined to have brought a firearm, as defined in 18 U.S.C. s.921, to school, any school function or on school-sponsored transportation will be expelled, with or without continuing educational services, from the student's regular school for a period of not less than one (1) year and referred for criminal prosecution (Section 1006.13, Florida Statutes).

Illegal use, possession or sale of controlled substances by any student while on school property or in attendance at a school function is grounds for disciplinary action and may also result in criminal penalties. A controlled substance is defined in Chapter 893 of the Florida Statutes.

Threats of Violence

School Board Policy 5500

  1. Purpose
  2. The purpose of School Board Policy 5500 is to outline the School Board's position with regard to the making of threats, suggestions or predictions of violence against any person, group or District-owned facility.
  1. Process and content
  2. (1) Threats of violence
    1. Zero tolerance
    2. Students, staff, parents / guardians or any other person shall not make any verbal, written or electronically communicated (e-mail) threat, suggestion or prediction of violence against any person or group of persons or to any District-owned facility. This shall result in immediate disciplinary action and referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
    3. District response
      1. The Superintendent may recommend expulsion of a student to the School Board.
      2. The Superintendent may recommend termination of an employee to the School Board.
      3. Any threat, suggestion or prediction of violence made by a parent / guardian or other person shall be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
      4. The school principal may prohibit or place limitations on the parent / guardian or visitor's ability to enter the school campus in accordance with School Board Policy 9150.
    4. Reporting threats
    5. Students shall report any and all threats of violence to a faculty member, guidance counselor, assistant principal or principal, or by calling the Student Crime Stoppers Hotline (1-800-780- TIPS). Staff members shall report any and all threats of violence to the principal, department head or superintendent.
    6. Responsibility for damages
    7. The District shall seek recovery from the student, staff member, parent / guardian or other person responsible for any costs and / or damages incurred by the District as a result of a threat.
  3. (2) The School Board is committed to safe and orderly education environments and authorizes the Superintendent and District staff to respond rapidly to any threats, suggestions or predictions of violence that occur on any District-owned property.

Student Search and Seizure

School Board Policy 5771

  • School authorities may search students reasonably suspected of being in possession of contraband or other prohibited items while on School Board-owned property or wherever students are under the official supervision of School Board employees, such as on field trips, at extracurricular activities or while being transported to and from such places either by school bus, by approved drivers or by other means of conveyance.
  • School authorities may conduct a search of a student, a student's possessions, a student's locker or any other storage area on school property without a warrant when school personnel have reasonable suspicion that illegal, prohibited, harmful items or substances or stolen property may be concealed on a student's person or in a storage area (Section1006.09(9), Florida Statutes).
  • A locker / storage area search notice is posted in each public K-12 school, in a place readily seen by students, stating that a student's locker or other storage area is subject to search, upon reasonable suspicion, for prohibited or illegally possessed substances or objects. This does not prohibit the use of metal detectors or specially trained animals in the course of a search for illegally possessed substances or objects (Section 1006.09(9), Florida Statutes).
  • School authorities are encouraged to attempt to obtain consent from a student to search for illegal, prohibited, harmful items or substances or stolen property, but may proceed with a search without a student's consent, upon reasonable suspicion of a prohibited or illegally possessed substance or object.
  • School authorities have the authority to search a student's backpack, purse or wallet, upon reasonable suspicion, if the student refuses to reveal the contents inside.

Off-Campus Felony Acts

A student who has charges filed, by the proper prosecuting attorney, with a felony or with a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult on other than school property, or a student who has been adjudicated guilty of a felony on other than school property may be subject to suspension or expulsion from school, if that incident is shown, in a school-based hearing, to have an adverse impact on the educational program, discipline or welfare of the school in which the student is enrolled. If a student is adjudicated guilty of a felony or a delinquent act which would have been a felony if committed by an adult, then the student may be permanently reassigned to alternative placement (Section 1006.09, Florida Statutes).

If the student is adjudicated guilty of a felony or a delinquent act which would have been a felony if committed by an adult, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld, the student's participation in interscholastic extracurricular activities will cease for the remainder of that school year.

Cooperation with Law Enforcement

The School District of Lee County and its staff will cooperate fully with law enforcement personnel on District property. When a student commits a criminal offense on district property or at a school sponsored function, school administration shall recommend to law enforcement the student be issued a civil citation or similar prearrest diversion program as an alternative to an arrest. The District will make every effort to contact the parent and / or guardian during the course of an investigation if it is determined a member of law enforcement must speak to a student.

Referral Process

In any situation where a violation of the Code of Conduct for Students (or school's discipline plan) is alleged, the principal or designee shall hear the student's explanation and carry out an investigation before imposing any corrective action. Only the principal or the designee has the authority to suspend a student from class or school. The principal has the authority to reduce the number of days assigned for a suspension pending the outcome of a meeting with the parent(s) or guardian of the student.

  • Students accused of a violation of the Code of Conduct for Students (or school's discipline plan) which, in the opinion of the principal / designee, warrants corrective action including an out-of-school suspension or expulsion, shall be afforded the fundamental right of procedural due process. The degree of formality associated with a suspension conference or hearing depends upon the nature of the offense and the severity of the sanctions that may be imposed as a result.
  • The principal or the principal's designee can suspend a student for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) school days at any one time. The principal's designated representative shall:
    • Provide opportunity for the student to explain what occurred.
    • Make a good-faith effort to immediately inform the student's parent / guardian by telephone of the student's out-of-school suspension and the reasons for the suspension.
    • Notify the parent / guardian of the out-of-school suspension and the reasons for the suspension in writing within 24 hours by U.S. mail.
    • Provide opportunities for students to make up work missed during the period of suspension in a timely manner.
    • For students with an IEP or 504 Plan, refer to the Code of Conduct section titled Manifestation Determination Review if the suspension exceeds ten (10) cumulative days for the school year.
  • If it becomes necessary to consider a student for suspension from school attendance for a period of eight (8), nine (9) or ten (10) school days, the principal or designated representative shall:
    • Make a good-faith effort to notify the student and the student's parent / guardian of the consideration for suspension immediately and in writing.
    • Provide an opportunity for the students to explain what occurred.
    • Make certain that students being considered for suspension are provided an administrative review, affording both sides ample opportunity to present their case. The decision to suspend shall be subsequent to the administrative review and only on the basis of substantive evidence supporting the charges against the student.
    • Immediately notify the student and the parent / guardian of the suspension in writing.
    • For students with an IEP or 504 Plan, refer to the Code of Conduct section titled Manifestation Determination Review if the suspension exceeds ten (10) cumulative days for the school year.
  • Emergency situations: In the event a student’s behavior poses a clear and present danger to the safety and welfare of the students and employees or creates an immediate disruption to the orderly operation of the school, the principal may suspend the student immediately. The principal / designee will afford the student procedural due process once the safety of students and employees has been assured and order has been restored to campus. A Threat Assessment may be performed in accordance with School Board Policy 8405.

The School District of Lee County ensures that the policies and procedures for the discipline of a student with an identified disability are in compliance with Federal, State and District guidelines.

Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)

A Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) should be convened if a pattern of behavior is established that constitutes a change in placement (e.g. suspensions which exceed 10 cumulative days in a school year, or a pattern of removal for same or similar behaviors), or a request for a change of placement for disciplinary reasons (expulsion) is considered for a special education student (34 CFR 300.530(e) & 300.536), or a Section 504 Student (34 CFR 104.35(a)). The MDR, which includes qualified persons and the parent / guardian, has the purpose of determining if the student's discipline infraction which resulted in the recommendation for change of placement was a manifestation of the student's disability. When conducting an MDR, two (2) questions must be answered:

  1. Was the conduct in question (i.e., discipline infraction) caused by or did it have a direct and substantial relationship to the child's disability?
  2. Was the conduct in question the direct result of a failure to implement the IEP or 504 Plan?
    • If the answer to either of these questions is yes, the discipline infraction is considered to be a manifestation of the student's disability and further disciplinary action will not occur. However, if the answer to both questions is no, the student may be disciplined in the same manner as a student without a disability would be.
    • If the answer to question two above is no due to a pattern of removal for same or similar behavior throughout the year that the team has not addressed in the IEP / 504 Plan, this removal is considered a change of placement and no further disciplinary action shall occur.

If the Board decides to expel the student, or if suspension beyond ten (10) days is approved, the District remains obligated to ensure the student with an IEP continues to receive educational services that enable the student to continue to participate in the general curriculum, even in another setting, and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the student's IEP. The student shall additionally receive, as appropriate, a functional behavioral assessment and a behavior intervention plan designed to address the misconduct so that it is less likely to reoccur. Students for whom a parent challenges an MDR decision through a due process proceeding shall remain in the disciplinary placement determined by the District pending the determination of the hearing or the disciplinary period, whichever comes first. The District is not obligated to continue to provide educational services to students with a 504 plan for which the above questions were answered no, and therefore a manifestation is unfounded, unless such opportunity is provided to students without disabilities.

45-Day Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES)

A student with an IEP may be unilaterally placed in an Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) for up to 45 school days, without regard to whether the conduct was a manifestation of the student's disability, if one of the following three (3) discipline infractions is committed at school, on school premises or at a school function:

  1. Possesses a weapon or carries a weapon to school, school premises or a school function.
  2. Knowingly possesses or uses illegal drugs or sells or solicits the sale of a “controlled substance”.
  3. Inflicts serious bodily injury upon another person.

For purposes of this section only, “weapon” is defined as a device, instrument, material or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2.5 inches in length. Students with weapons that do not meet this definition may not be placed in a 45-day IAES, absent parental consent, but shall still be subject to the District's discipline procedures regarding weapons offenses, which includes recommendation for expulsion. Within ten (10) school days of the decision to place a student in an IAES, the District must hold an IEP conference to review and / or revise the student's Functional Assessment of Behavior and Behavior Intervention Plan, or develop one if none existed previously, to address the student's behavior and determine the appropriate placement.

The following procedures apply to 45-day IAES placements:

  1. The designee of sending school will prepare and give written notice of intent to implement an IAES placement on the day the decision is made to change the placement. The placement change will take effect ten (10) calendar days after delivery of such notice, unless the parties agree to an earlier effective date.
  2. Parents must be given notice of their procedural rights, including the right to request a due process hearing. Parents making such a request must be given technical assistance, if needed.
  3. If the student's parent / guardian requests a due process hearing to challenge the IAES placement, the student remains in the IAES pending the decision of the hearing officer or the expiration of the disciplinary placement term, whichever occurs first.
  4. The student must continue to receive educational services “as to enable the child to continue to participate in the general curriculum, although in another setting, and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the child's IEP (20 USC 1415(k) (l)(D)(i)).
  5. Home instruction is only considered an alternative placement when the IEP team determines such.
  • School authorities reporting a crime involving a student with a disability
  • Section 300.535 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA) requires that an agency (e.g. school) reporting a crime committed by a child with a disability must ensure that copies of the special education and disciplinary records of the child are transmitted for consideration by the appropriate authorities to whom the agency reports the crime. An agency reporting a crime under this section may transmit copies of the child's special education and disciplinary records only to the extent that the transmission is permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). When the school authorities report the crime to law enforcement, the parent / guardian will be contacted and asked to give written permission for the transmission of the special education and disciplinary records.

Levels of Misconduct

There are five (5) levels of misconduct. The levels are determined by the seriousness of the act.

LEVEL V - Level V infractions are the least serious incidents. Addressing Level I infractions may include several possible interventions and corrective actions as listed on the following chart. It is important these infractions be promptly and properly addressed.

LEVEL IV - Level IV infractions are serious and have additional corrective strategies, as well as appropriate interventions.

SUSPENSION - Suspension is a disciplinary sanction that temporarily removes a student from school or class(es) for a prescribed period of time not to exceed ten (10) school days. The principal or the principal's designee shall make a good-faith effort to involve parents with alternative consequences for misconduct prior to suspending a student except in emergencies, disruptive conditions or incidents involving serious misconduct.

  1. In-school suspension (ISS) is the assignment of a student to a specific location on the school campus. Students are assisted in regaining control of their conduct while continuing with assigned schoolwork during the time they are not attending regular classes.
  2. Out-of-school suspension (OSS) is the temporary removal of a student from all classes of instruction on public school grounds and all other school-sponsored activities, except as authorized by the principal or designee. The principal or designee determines the length of the out-of-school suspension, for a period not to exceed 10 (ten) school days. The parent is responsible for the supervision of the student and supporting the student's completion of specific homework assignments. If, during that time of an out-of-school suspension, the suspended student returns to campus or attends a school-related activity without the permission of the principal or designee, that student may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
  3. Suspension of bus-riding privileges may result when a student violates the Code of Conduct for Students on the bus. The consequences for violation of these rules is not limited to removal of bus-riding privileges, since other sanctions up to and including school suspension or expulsion may be imposed when warranted. School attendance is required during a bus suspension.
    • For a student with an IEP or 504 Plan, a bus suspension is equivalent to an out-of-school suspension.
    • Under McKinney-Vento, students who are homeless have a right to transportation. Consult with the District's Homeless Liaison for more information.

LEVEL III - Level III infractions are more serious and require a thorough investigation into the infraction. Timely disciplinary consequences and interventions must be implemented.

LEVEL II - Level II infractions are increasingly more serious and require a thorough investigation into the infraction and require timely disciplinary consequences. Interventions may or may not be appropriate, depending on the infraction and circumstances of the event. The options available for consequences may range from suspension to alternative reassignment.

LEVEL I - Level I infractions are the most serious and, following a thorough investigation into the infraction, require timely disciplinary consequences. Interventions may or may not be appropriate, depending on the infraction and circumstances of the event. The options available for consequences may range from suspension to alternative reassignment to expulsion from The School District of Lee County as recommended by the principal. Involvement of law enforcement is required. In accordance with School Environment Safety Incident Report (SESIR), if a victim of arson, battery, kidnapping or sexual battery, or the sibling of a homicide victim, remains at the school, the principal may recommend that the student not return to school upon completion of out-of-school suspension or readmission from expulsion. Principals may consult with the Executive Director of Student Services or their designee for cases that do not meet the “Do Not Return” criteria.

In some cases of Level II - IV infractions, a school-based administrative review will be conducted to determine what interventions, corrective actions, and / or consequences are appropriate for the incident. The parents and student will be invited to participate in the administrative review and be given the opportunity to present information regarding the incident.

EXPULSION - Expulsion is the removal of the right and obligation of a student to attend a public school for a period of time and under conditions set forth by the School Board not to exceed the current school year plus one (1) additional year (Section 1006.09, Florida Statutes). Expulsion is an extreme measure for use only after alternative measures to remedy improper behavior have failed or the student's infractions are extremely severe. If a student is recommended for expulsion he / she may request, in writing, a due process hearing before an impartial hearing officer to challenge the recommendation as set forth in School Board Policy.

  1. Early readmission criteria:
    1. A student who has been expelled for a drug-related offense may be considered for early readmission only when the student submits a letter to the Superintendent requesting a hearing, provides three (3) letters of reference and shows proof of successful completion of a state-licensed drug abuse program, including random drug testing for each month of the remaining period of expulsion. Results of each monthly testing will be sent to the Superintendent's designee for review. If the student fails to provide proof of the test at the end of any month or if the test shows a positive result for the presence of a controlled substance, the remaining period of the original expulsion will be reinstated.
    2. A student who has been expelled for reasons other than a drug-related offense may be considered for early readmission only when the student submits a letter to the Superintendent requesting a hearing, provides three (3) letters of reference and shows proof of completion of successful counseling by a licensed therapist. Note: In order to meet the deadline for early readmission to take place, the written request to the Superintendent must be received by the Student Services Department at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the school year or 30 days prior to the Winter Break.
  2. Expulsion from the regular school program for off-campus acts may occur when a student has been formally charged with a felony or adjudicated guilty of a felony, or of a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult off school property.
  3. If a student has been expelled the student must be out of school for at least 180 calendar days subsequent to the order of expulsion before the School Board will consider a recommendation for early readmission.
  4. If approved for early readmission, a student may only reenter school at the beginning of a school year or at the beginning of a semester.

Offenses and Disciplinary Action

There are 45 offenses, definitions and options for disciplinary action listed in the Code of Conduct for Students.

The 26 offenses defined by the School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) codes will be reported to the Florida Department of Education. Zero Tolerance offenses shall be reported to local law enforcement agencies.

Students committing an act during the time they are attending school, or during non-school hours that causes a substantial disruption to the educational process (i.e. riding the school bus, at a school-sponsored activity or during the time they are on School Board premises), shall be subject to the laws and regulations of the State Board of Education, the rules and policies of the School Board and the Code of Conduct for Students shall be under the control and direction of the principal or designee.

Principals have the authority with their staff and community, as permitted by School Board policy, to establish additional standards at individual schools. The principal has the unequivocal right to determine the appropriate charge(s) for the misconduct and the corresponding level of the offense based on the facts and circumstances of the incident(s).

It is beyond the scope of this conduct book to identify all potentially relevant state laws, rules or regulations, and School Board policies that may apply to a specific disciplinary case. Any discrepancies between the Code of Conduct for Students and school handbooks will be resolved in favor of the corrective actions outlined in the Code of Conduct for Students.

The Code of Conduct for Students designates disciplinary corrective action in levels. The following tables lists possible interventions and corrective actions for each level. When interpreting student behavior for SESIR reporting, consideration should be given to both developmental age-appropriate behavior and to those students with an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan.

The District supports the use of fair and appropriate implementation of student discipline policies and procedures that are grounded in evidenced-based research. The District will continue its practice in the areas of restorative practices and alternatives to suspension. It is expected that schools regularly review disciplinary data with respect to trends and patterns resulting in disparities.

Elementary Offenses and Disciplinary Action

Level V Behaviors - Elementary

Range of corrective strategies

Level V behaviors are acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function and extracurricular activities or approved transportation. Level V behaviors are the least-serious incidents.

Level V

  • Dress Code Violation
  • Horseplay
  • Peer Conflict - Minor
  • Petty Theft
  • Use of Profanity
  • Skipping
  • Tardiness
  • Visiting an Unauthorized Area
  • Other Rule Violations

Addressing Level V behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions as listed below. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Adjustment of student’s program / change of schedule
  • After school detention
  • Assign peer or adult mentor
  • Behavior contract / plan
  • Community service
  • Community service-learning projects
  • Confiscation
  • Days held in abeyance
  • Extracurricular suspension
  • Intervention room
  • Lunch detention
  • Parent / guardian contact
  • Participation in counseling session related to incident
  • Require daily / weekly progress reports
  • Restitution
  • Restorative practices
    • Effective communication
    • Circles (preventive / relationship building and responsive / restorative)
    • Formal mediation
    • Conferencing
    • Letter of apology
    • Peer mediation
    • Reflective assignment
    • Restorative agreement / plan
    • Restorative conferencing
    • Walk-about conference
  • Review rules / expectations
  • Schedule adjustment
  • Student, parent / guardian / staff conference
  • Temporary loss of bus privileges
  • Verbal warning
  • Wardrobe change

Level IV Behaviors - Elementary

Range of corrective strategies

Level IV behaviors are serious behaviors and require more formal interventions and corrective actions.

Level IV

  • Bullying
  • Cheating
  • Disruptive Behavior
  • Horseplay
  • Misuse of Electronics / Telecommunications Devices
  • Harassment
  • Insubordination
  • No-show for Discipline
  • Peer Conflict
  • Petty Theft
  • Use of Profanity
  • Use of Tobacco / Nicotine
  • Other Rule Violations

Addressing Level IV behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions as listed below. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  •  Adjustment of student’s program / change of schedule
  • Alternative-to-suspension program
  • Assign peer or adult mentor
  • Behavior contract / plan
  • Community service
  • Community service-learning projects
  • Days held in abeyance
  • Internal school suspension
  • Intervention room
  • Loss of privileges
  • Nicotine prevention course
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Participation in counseling session related to incident
  • Required daily / weekly progress reports
  • Restitution
  • Restorative practices
    • Effective communication
    • Circles (preventive / relationship building and responsive / restorative)
    • Formal mediation
    • Conferencing
    • Letter of apology
    • Peer mediation
    • Reflective assignment
    • Restorative agreement / plan
    • Restorative conferencing
    • Walk-about conference
  • Reverse suspension
  • Saturday School
  • Student, parent / guardian / staff conference
  • Suspension / Revocation of network / internet access
  • Temporary loss of bus privileges
  • Work detail

Level III Behaviors - Elementary

Range of corrective strategies

Level III behaviors are more serious acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function and / or extracurricular activities or approved transportation.

Level III

  •  Alcohol
  • Bullying
  • Disruption on Campus
  • Drug Use / Possession
  • Electronic Telecommunication Device
  • False Accusation
  • Fighting
  • Forgery / Misuse
  • Gang Related
  • Harassment
  • Hazing
  • Larceny / Theft
  • Safety Violation
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Offenses
  • Threat / Intimidation
  • Vandalism
  • Other Major

Addressing Level III behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions as listed below. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Adjustment of student’s program / change of schedule
  • Alternative-to-suspension program
  • Assign peer or adult mentor
  • Behavior contract / plan
  • Extra-curricular suspension
  • Internal school suspension
  • Intervention room
  • Loss of privileges
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Participation in counseling session related to incident
  • Reentry plan
  • Required daily / weekly progress reports
  • Restitution
  • Restorative practices
    • Effective communication
    • Circles (preventive / relationship building and responsive / restorative)
    • Formal mediation
    • Conferencing
    • Letter of apology
    • Peer mediation
    • Restorative agreement / plan
    • Restorative conferencing
    • Walk-about conference
  • Reverse suspension
  • S.A.F.E. program
  • Saturday School
  • Student, parent / guardian / staff conference
  • Temporary loss of bus privilege

Level II Behaviors - Elementary

Range of corrective strategies

Level II behaviors are increasingly more serious acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function, and / or extracurricular activities or approved transportation.

Level II

  • Burglary
  • Drug Sale / Distribution
  • Off-campus Felony
  • Simple Battery
  • Robbery
  • Sexual Assault
  • Trespassing

Addressing Level II behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions, as listed in Plan 2. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Alternative to suspension
  • Out-of-school suspension - school based hearing must be held for any considerations of suspension between 8 to 10 days
  • Restitution

Level I Behaviors - Elementary

Range of corrective strategies

Level I behaviors are the most serious acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function and / or extracurricular activities or approved transportation.

Level I

  • Arson
  • Battery
  • Homicide
  • Kidnapping
  • Sexual Battery
  • Weapons Possession

Addressing Level I behaviors have limited corrective actions due to the severity of the behavior and the requirement to involve law enforcement. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Mandatory school-based hearing
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Expulsion 

Elementary Quick Discipline Reference Guide

The Student Code of Conduct specifically identifies prohibited student conduct and lists the range of corrective actions which may be imposed for each infraction. When assigning corrective actions for misconduct, the principal or designee shall consider factors such as the nature of the misconduct, the student's past disciplinary record, and the severity of the problem as it pertains to the specific situation.

Infractions are rated from ****, for the least severe School Environmental Safety Incident Report (SESIR) infractions, to *, for the most severe, per the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE).

Any updates to the FLDOE SESIR Codes and Definitions supersede those listed below.

  1. Aggravated Battery (BAT)* - (intentional great bodily harm) A battery where the attacker intentionally or knowingly causes more serious injury as defined in paragraph (8)(g) of this rule, such as great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement; uses a deadly weapon; or, where the attacker knew or should have known the victim was pregnant. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Alcohol (ALC)**** - Possession, sale, purchase, distribution, or use of alcoholic beverages. Use means the person is caught in the act of using, admits to using or is discovered to have used in the course of an investigation. Alcohol incidents cannot be Drug-related. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Arson (ARS)* - To intentionally damage, or cause to be damaged, by fire or explosion, any dwelling, structure, or conveyance, whether occupied or not, or its contents. Fires that are not intentional, that are caused by accident, or do not cause damage are not required to be reported in SESIR. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Bullying (BUL)**** - (intimidating behaviors that are repeated, intentional, and involve a power imbalance) Systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees. Bullying includes instances of cyberbullying, as defined in Section 1006.147(3)(b), F.S. Bullying may include but is not limited to, repetitive instances of teasing, social exclusion, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, theft, harassment, public and private humiliation, or destruction of property.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level III
  1. Burglary (BRK)** - (illegal entry into a facility) Unlawful entry into or remaining in a dwelling structure or conveyance with the intent to commit a crime therein. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Cheating (CHT) - Inappropriate and deliberate distribution or use of an electronic device, information, notes, materials, or work of another person in the completion of an academic exam, test, or assignment in an online or traditional course, including plagiarism.
  2. There is considerable potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to be used in an innovative manner in the instructional setting. However, plagiarism, including plagiarism using AI, cannot be permitted. Plagiarism constitutes presenting another person's ideas, words, or work as your own, lacking proper attribution or acknowledgment. In AI, this wrongdoing emerges when AI-generated text or content is replicated without crediting the source or acknowledging the AI model or its creators. Such acts encompass directly copying or rephrasing AI-generated material in academic papers, articles, presentations, or any communication without recognizing the AI's role. This form of plagiarism erodes academic and intellectual integrity by misleading readers into perceiving the content as the plagiarizer’s creation rather than attributing it to its true origins.
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  4. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Criminal Mischief (Felony Vandalism) (VAN)*** - (destruction, damage, or defacement of school or personal property) Willfully and maliciously injuring or damaging by any means real or personal property belonging to another, including, but not limited to, the placement of graffiti thereon or other acts of vandalism thereto, when the resulting damage amounts to $1,000 or more. For damage amounts less than $1,000, see #27 Other Rule Violations. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III
  1. Disruption on Campus (DOC)*** - (major disruption of all or a significant portion of campus activities, school-sponsored events, and school bus transportation) Disruptive behavior that poses a serious threat to the learning environment or the health, safety, or welfare of others. Examples of major disruptions include bomb threats, inciting a riot or initiating a false fire alarm. For disruptive behavior in a classroom environment or related functions, see #9 Disruptive Behavior. Threat or false report requires referral to Mental Health Team. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Disruptive Behavior (DIS) - Participating in and / or encouraging any activity that substantially disrupts the classroom environment or its related functions.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First and Repeated)
    Major (First and Repeated)
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level IV
  3. For a first major offense, with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Dress Code Violation (DCV) - Failure to comply with dress code requirement(s). For schools with a uniform policy, refer to the school's student handbook for additional dress code information regarding specific school standards.
  2. Infraction
    Third and Beyond
    School-Level Response
    Level V - Verbal warning and parent contacted
    Level V - Loss of eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities (maximum of five days), or ATS action and parent contacted
    Level IV - Loss of eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities (maximum of 30 days). ISS is not to exceed three days. Verbal and written parent contact regarding consequences. (Section 1006.07, Florida Statutes)
  1. Drug Sale / Distribution (DRD)** - (illegal sale or distribution of drugs) The manufacture, cultivation, purchase, sale or distribution of any drug, narcotic, controlled substance or substance represented to be a drug, narcotic or controlled substance, including but not limited to a student giving prescription drugs prescribed for someone else to another person. For alcohol, see #2 ALC. For over-the-counter drugs, see #27 Other Rule Violations. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Drug Use / Possession Excluding Alcohol (DRU)*** - (illegal drug possession or use) The use or possession of any drug, narcotic, controlled substance, or any substance used for chemical intoxication. Use, possession or being under the influence of any drug also includes any substance represented to be a drug used for the purpose of altering brain function, including but not limited to synthetic marijuana, synthetic cathinone (bath salts), and prescription drugs not prescribed to the student. For alcohol, see #2 ALC. For over-the-counter drugs, see #27 Other Rule Violations. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. False Accusation (FAL) - Making false accusation(s) against a staff member or other student that may jeopardize employment, education, professional certification, or reputation, including, but not limited to, accusations created and / or transmitted from any computer or any electronic device during school hours or the use of FortifyFL to make false accusations.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Fighting (FIT)*** - (mutual combat, mutual altercation) When two or more persons mutually participate in use of force or physical violence that requires either physical interventions or results in injury requiring first aid or medical attention. Lower-level fights, including pushing, shoving, or altercations that stop on verbal command are excluded; see #28 Peer Conflict. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Forgery / Misuse (FOR) - Making a false or misleading communication to a school staff member with either the intent to deceive or under circumstances which would reasonably be calculated to deceive the staff member.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Gang-Related Activity (GRA) - Engaging in any verbal, written, or physical act which is associated with becoming a member of a gang, being a member of a gang or participating in gang-identified rituals or behaviors.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Grand Theft (STL)*** - (taking of property from a person, building, or a vehicle) The unauthorized taking of the property of another person or organization, including motor vehicles, valued at $750 or more, without threat, violence, or bodily harm. Incidents that fall below the $750 threshold are not reportable in SESIR but instead should be reported as locally defined incidents according to district policies. Thefts of property of any value that involve a use of force, violence, assault, or putting the victim in fear must be reported as #31 Robbery. For stolen property less than $750, see #29 Petty Theft. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Harassment (HAR)**** - (one-time, insulting behaviors) Any threatening, insulting or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, or written, verbal or physical conduct that 1) places a student or school employee in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, 2) has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or 3) has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of a school including any course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such a person and serves no legitimate purpose. Instances of Harassment that are chronic or repeated in nature should be evaluated for Bullying or Bullying-related.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level III
  1. Hazing (HAZ)*** - Any action or situation that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student at a school with any of grades 6 through 12 for purposes of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any school-sanctioned organization. Hazing includes, but is not limited to, pressuring, coercing, or forcing a student to participate in illegal or dangerous behavior, or any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, or exposure to the elements. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Homicide (HOM)* - (murder, manslaughter) Unjustified killing of one human being by another. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Horseplay (HRS) - Participating in and / or encouraging an activity that involves minor physical contact of a nonconfrontational nature.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
  1. Insubordination / Disrespect (INS) - Any deliberate and overt refusal or failure to adhere to explicit directives, instructions, or commands issued by school personnel, including teachers, administrators, or any designated authority figures. This encompasses acts of defiance, disobedience, or resistance to established rules, policies, or regulations within the school community.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First and Repeated)
    Major (First and Repeated)
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
  3. Consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee for Level III (Plan 3) consideration.
  1. Kidnapping (KID)* - (abduction of an individual) Forcibly, secretly or by threat, confining, abducting, or imprisoning another person against his / her will and without lawful authority. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. No-Show for Discipline (NSD) - Failure to serve a disciplinary consequence, including but not limited to after-school detention, lunch detention, Saturday school, work detail, or other alternatives to suspension.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  1. Off-Campus Felony (FEL) - A student who has charges filed, by the proper prosecuting attorney, with a felony or with a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult on other than school property, or a student who has been adjudicated guilty of a felony on other than school property, may be recommended for alternative reassignment or expulsion by the Principal if it is determined the student's presence at school will have an adverse impact on the education environment.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
    *Felony offenses for alternative placement: Drugs / Drug Sale / Drug Distribution, Weapons, Sexual offense, Aggravated battery
  3. Principals may consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee for felony offenses not listed.
  1. Other Major (OMC)*** - (major incidents that do not fit within the other definitions) Any serious, harmful incident resulting in the need for law enforcement consultation not previously classified. This includes but is not limited to, any drug or weapon found unintended and not linked to any individual; such incidents must be coded with the appropriate related element (such as Drug-related or Weapon-related) and incident involvement must be reported as unknown; students producing or knowingly using counterfeit money, participating in gambling activities, possessing child pornography, or possessing drug paraphernalia. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Other Rule Violations (OTH) - Other rule violations that do not fall into the above categories or other offenses as indicated below.
  2. Sale or distribution of over-the-counter medication and / or supplements, including but not limited to aspirin, vitamins, Tylenol, and / or possession of prescription medication
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  4. Vandalism offenses that result in damage amounts totaling less than $1,000
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  6. Possession, use, distribution, or sale of tobacco (including e-cigarettes) by any person 21 or older
  7. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  8. Possession, use, storage, and / or sale of contraband to include but not limited to lighters, toys, games, laser pens / pointers, and / or ammunition during regular school hours or school-sponsored activities
  9. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  10. Possession of pornographic material
  11. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III *Consult Law Enforcement
  12. Manipulating computer hardware, software, data, and / or the misuse of telecommunication services, including but not limited to the improper use of technology devices, posting of inappropriate information on the internet, and / or accessing inappropriate websites during or after school hours that may interfere with the educational process
  13. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  14. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  15. Unapproved possession, posting, or distribution of printed materials, petitions, electronic messages, and / or graphic representations on school grounds or property
  16. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  17. Participating in acts of public display of affection
  18. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  19. Involvement in any transportation (bus) or bus stop (when bus present) violation
  20. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  21. Review for major offenses on the bus, see other incidents 1-45. The principal / designee has the authority to cite other appropriate discipline infractions from the Code of Conduct for Students when dealing with transportation incidents.
  1. Peer Conflict (PRC) - Mutual participation in an altercation, either verbal or physical, including but not limited to pushing, shoving, and other forms of minor confrontations that do not require medical attention. When a staff member intervenes, participants in the altercation comply and stop. For more severe physical altercations see #14 Fighting.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First)
    Minor (Repeated)
    Major (First)
    Major (Repeated)
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
    Level III
    Level III
  1. Petty Theft (PTF) - Unauthorized taking, carrying, or concealing property of another person without threat, violence, or bodily harm, and the stolen property totals less than $750. For greater than $750, see #17 Grand Theft.
  2. Infraction
    First under $100
    Repeated or over $100, less than $500
    Repeated or over $500, less than $750
    School-Level Response
    Level V (Plan 5)
    Level IV (Plan 4)
    Level IV (Plan 4)
  1. Physical Harm (PHY) – Physical harm refers to deliberate actions or behaviors that result in minor injuries or discomfort, exceeding the boundaries of typical horseplay or playful interactions. This may include deliberate pushing, shoving, or roughhousing that leads to noticeable bruises, scratches, or minor injuries.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level II
  1. Profanity (PRO) - Use of profanity and / or vulgar, abusive, or inappropriate language, clothing, or gestures.
  2. General Use in Conversation
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  4. Student Directed to Student
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  6. Student Directed to Adult
  7. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  8. Racial / Ethnic / Gender Slurs
  9. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  10. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Robbery (ROB)** - (using force to take something from another) The taking or attempted taking of, money or other property from the person or custody of another with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the person or owner of the money or other property under the confrontational circumstances of force, or threat of force or violence and / or by putting the victim in fear. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Safety Violation (SFE) - Engaging in an act that endangers the safety of others.
  2. Weapon (not defined by state statute)
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  4. Use of common object to inflict harm on others
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  6. Throwing an inappropriate object
  7. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  8. Other actions that endanger the safety or welfare of others
  9. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  10. Leaving campus without permission
  11. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Sexual Assault (SXA)** - An incident that includes fondling, indecent liberties, child molestation or threatened rape. Both male and female students can be victims of sexual assault. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Sexual Battery (SXB)* - (attempted or actual) Forced or attempted oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by using a sexual organ or an object simulating a sexual organ or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any body part or foreign object. Both males and females can be victims of sexual battery. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Sexual Harassment (SXH)*** - (undesired sexual behavior) Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, such as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Harassing conduct can include verbal or nonverbal actions, including graphic and written statements, and may include statements made through computers, cellphones, and other devices connected to the Internet. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Sexual Offenses (SXO)*** - (lewdness, indecent exposure) Other sexual contact, including intercourse, without force or threat of force. Includes subjecting an individual to lewd sexual gestures, sexual activity, or exposing private body parts in a lewd manner. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Simple Battery (PHA)** - An actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against his / her will, or the intentional causing of bodily harm to an individual. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Skipping Class (SKP) - Not reporting to or leaving an assigned class, activity, or area without receiving proper approval and / or following the established procedures for checking out of a class.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  1. Tardiness (TAR) - Late arrival to a class or to school or the failure to sign in upon arrival to school. Note: Start every quarter with a clean slate.
  2. Tardy to Class
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  4. Tardy to School
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  6. Failure to Sign In
  7. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  1. Threat / Intimidation (TRE)*** - (instilling fear in others) An incident where there was no physical contact between the offender and victim, but the victim reasonably believed that physical harm could have occurred based on verbal or nonverbal communication by the offender. This includes nonverbal threats and verbal threats of physical harm, which are made in person, electronically or through any other means. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First)
    Minor (Repeated)
    Major (Directed to Adult*)
    Major (Student to Student*)
    Major (School-Wide Threat*)
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III
    Level II
    Level II
    Level I
  3. *Consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Tobacco – Nicotine (TBC)**** - (cigarettes or other forms of tobacco / nicotine) The possession, sale, purchase, distribution, or use of tobacco or nicotine products (including electronic nicotine delivery systems) on school grounds, at school-sponsored events or on school transportation by any person under the age of 21. Tobacco incidents cannot be drug-related.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  3. *Successful completion of a Nicotine Prevention course may substitute for recommended action for the first offense. Consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee prior to assigning course.
  1. Trespassing (TRS)** - (illegal entry onto campus) To enter or remain on school grounds, school transportation, or at a school-sponsored event, without authorization or invitation and with no lawful purpose for entry. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Unauthorized Area (UNA) - Being present in buildings, rooms, or other areas on a school campus the student is not assigned to at that time or an area not designated for student access without authorization.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  3. Unauthorized Area (Restroom) (UNA) - Any student who willfully enters a restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex (based on biological sez at birth) on the premises of the educational institution and refuses to depart when asked.
  4. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Electronics / Telecommunications Devices (ETD) - Display or use of a personal electronic or telecommunication device during school hours. Students may possess cell phones and other personal electronic devices (including but not limited to cell phones and / or auxiliary / ancillary devices such as watches and earbuds) while on school grounds during regular school hours. However, they must be turned off at all times unless utilized for an approved activity. Possession of all personal electronic devices, including cell phones, is at the student's own risk, and the school assumes no responsibility, legal or otherwise, with regard to these items. As of 7/1/23, the following meet the criteria for prohibited applications as established in Section 112.22(1)(f)*, F.S.: QQ, TikTok, WeChat, VKontakte, Kaspersky. See Board Policy 5136.
  2. Display of weapons or inappropriate messages, pictures, or images on one's cellular phone or electronic device that cause a disruption to the safe operation of the school:
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II *Consult with law enforcement
  4. Display or use of cellular phone or other telecommunication devices or electronic equipment unless for an approved activity, including, but not limited to, radios, headsets, or gaming devices during regular school hours:
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  6. Unauthorized use of an electronic device or camera to record school-related events or activities on campus:
  7. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  8. Unauthorized taping, photographing, or posting on social media of disruption on campus (fighting, peer conflicts, etc.) that can be used to degrade, threaten, intimidate, or dehumanize the student involved:
  9. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  10. Sexting or display of pornographic or inappropriate messages, pictures, or images on one's cellular phone:
  11. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II *Consult with law enforcement
  1. Weapons Possession (WPO)** - (possession of firearms and other instruments which can cause harm) Possession of a firearm or any instrument or object as defined by Section 790.00, (6) and (13), F.S., that can inflict serious harm on another person or that can place a person in reasonable fear of serious harm, including but not limited to billy clubs, chemical weapons or devices, dirks, electronic weapons (e.g. stun guns), explosive propellants, firearms, flare guns, handguns, zip guns, rifles, shotguns, knives (for pocketknives, kitchen knives, and razor blades see Safety Violation definition), metallic knuckles, projectile devices, slingshots, Chinese throwing stars, and tear gas. Possession of a firearm or weapon requires a referral to Mental Health Team. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I

Consequences / Responses

KEY: + Violent incidents that must be reported in the data element “injury related”
# Violent incidents if they result in bodily harm that must be reported in the data element “injury-related”
X Must be reported to law enforcement

Infractions are rated from ****, for the least severe School Environmental Safety Incident Report (SESIR) infractions, to *, for the most severe, per the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)

Level of consequence Level 1 is the highest level of infraction Major incident report School will contact
Infraction / Violation 1 2 3 4 5 Law Enforcement SDLC
Aggravated Battery (BAT)* + x Required
Alcohol (ALC)**** x Required
Arson (ARS)* # x Required
Bullying (BUL)**** # Administrative Discretion
Burglary (BRK)** # x Required
Criminal Mischief / Felony Vandalism (VAN) *** x Required
Disruption on Campus (DOC)*** # x Required
Drug Sale / Distribution (DRD)** x Required
Drug Use / Possession (DRU)*** x Required
Fighting (FIT)*** # x Required
Grand Theft (STL)*** x Required
Harassment (HAR)**** # Administrative Discretion
Hazing (HAZ)*** # x Required
Homicide (HOM)* + x Required
Kidnapping (KID)* + x Required
Other Major (OMC)*** # x Required
Robbery (ROB)** # x Required
Sexual Assault (SXA)** x Required
Sexual Battery (SXB)* + x Required
Sexual Harassment (SXH)*** # Administrative Discretion
Sexual Offenses (SXO)*** x Required
Simple Battery (PHA)** # x Required
Tobacco / Nicotine (TBC) ***** Administrative Discretion
Threat / Intimidation (TRE)*** x Required
Trespassing (TRS)** x Required
Weapons Possession (WPO)** x Required
Cheating (CHT) N/A
Disruptive Behavior (DIS) Administrative Discretion
Dress Code Violation (DCV) N/A
Electronics / Telecommunications Devices (ETD)
  • Display of weapon / inappropriate messages
  • Display / use of a device
  • Unauthorized use of a device to record
  • Unauthorized taping / photographing of disruption on campus
  • Sexting / display of pornographic / inappropriate text / image
False Accusation (FAL) Administrative Discretion
Forgery (FOR) N/A
Gang-Related Activity (GRA) Expected
Horseplay (HRS) N/A
Insubordination / Disrespect (INS) Administrative Discretion
No-Show for Discipline (NSD) N/A
Off-Campus Felony (FEL) Expected
Peer Conflict (PRC) Administrative Discretion
Petty Theft (PTF) Administrative Discretion
Physical Harm (PHY)          Administrative Discretion  
Profanity (PRO)
  • General Use
  • Student to student
  • Student to adult
  • Racial / ethnic / derogatory slurs
Administrative Discretion
Safety Violation (SFE)
  • Weapon (non-statutory)
  • Use of object to inflict harm
  • Throwing an inappropriate object
Administrative Discretion
  • Other actions that endanger
  • Leaving campus without permission
Administrative Discretion
Skipping Class (SKP) N/A
Tardiness (TAR)
  • Tardy to class
  • Tardy to school
  • Failure to sign in
  • Unauthorized Area (UNA)
  • Unauthorized Area (Restrooms) (UNA)
Other Rule Violations (OTH)
  • Possession / distribution of over-the-counter medication
  • Vandalism less than $1,000
  • Possession / distribution of tobacco / nicotine (21 or older)
  • Possession / sale of contraband
Administrative Discretion
  • Possession of pornographic material
  • Manipulating computer hardware, software or data or misuse of telecommunication services
Administrative Discretion
  • Unapproved possession / distribution of printed materials, electronic messages or graphic representations
Administrative Discretion
  • Participating in public displays of affection
  • Involvement in any transportation (bus) or bus stop violation
Administrative Discretion

Secondary Offenses and Disciplinary Action

Level V Behaviors - Secondary

Range of corrective strategies

Level V behaviors are acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function, and extracurricular activities or approved transportation. Level V behaviors are the least- serious incidents.

Level V

  • Dress Code Violation
  • Horseplay
  • Peer Conflict - Minor
  • Petty Theft
  • Use of Profanity
  • Skipping
  • Tardiness
  • Visiting an Unauthorized Area
  • Other Rule Violations

Addressing Level V behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions, as listed below. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Adjustment of student’s program / change of schedule
  • After school detention
  • Assign peer or adult mentor
  • Behavior contract / plan
  • Community service
  • Community service-learning projects
  • Confiscation
  • Days held in abeyance
  • Extracurricular suspension
  • Intervention room
  • Lunch detention
  • Parent / guardian contact
  • Participation in counseling session related to incident
  • Require daily / weekly progress reports
  • Restitution
  • Restorative practices
    • Effective communication
    • Circles (preventive / relationship building and responsive / restorative)
    • Formal mediation
    • Conferencing
    • Letter of apology
    • Peer mediation
    • Reflective assignment
    • Restorative agreement / plan
    • Restorative conferencing
    • Walk-about conference
  • Review rules / expectations
  • Schedule adjustment
  • Student, parent / guardian / staff conference
  • Temporary loss of bus privileges
  • Verbal warning
  • Wardrobe change
  • Work detail 

Level IV Behaviors - Secondary

Range of corrective strategies

Level IV behaviors are serious behaviors and require more formal interventions and corrective actions.

Level IV

  • Bullying
  • Cheating
  • Disruptive Behavior
  • Horseplay
  • Misuse of Electronics / Telecommunications Devices
  • Harassment
  • Insubordination
  • No-show for Discipline
  • Peer Conflict
  • Petty Theft
  • Use of Profanity
  • Use of Tobacco / Nicotine
  • Other Rule Violations

Secondary Level:
A student who repeatedly commits Level IV offenses may be recommended for placement at the Success Academy, upon administrative review, and referral to the Success Academy Review Committee (SARC). All recommendations for placement at the Success Academy must be approved by SARC.

Addressing Level IV behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions as listed below. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Adjustment of student’s program / change of schedule
  • Alternative-to-suspension program
  • Assign peer or adult mentor
  • Behavior contract / plan
  • Community service
  • Community service-learning projects
  • Days held in abeyance
  • Internal school suspension
  • Intervention room
  • Loss of privileges
  • Nicotine prevention course
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Participation in counseling session related to incident
  • Required daily / weekly progress reports
  • Restitution
  • Restorative practices
    • Effective communication
    • Circles (preventive / relationship building and responsive / restorative)
    • Formal mediation
    • Conferencing
    • Letter of apology
    • Peer mediation
    • Reflective assignment
    • Restorative agreement / plan
    • Restorative conferencing
    • Walk-about conference
  • Reverse suspension
  • SARC review (Secondary Level)
  • Saturday School
  • Student, parent / guardian / staff conference
  • Suspension / Revocation of network / internet access
  • Temporary loss of bus privileges
  • Work detail

Level III Behaviors - Secondary

Range of corrective strategies

Level III behaviors are more serious acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function and/or extracurricular activities or approved transportation.

Level III

  • Alcohol
  • Bullying
  • Disruption on Campus
  • Drug Use / Possession
  • Electronic Telecommunication Device
  • False Accusation
  • Fighting
  • Forgery / Misuse
  • Gang Related
  • Harassment
  • Hazing
  • Larceny / Theft
  • Safety Violation
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Offenses
  • Threat / Intimidation
  • Vandalism
  • Other Major

Secondary Level:
A student who commits Level III offenses may be recommended for placement at the Success Academy, upon administrative review, and referral to the Success Academy Review Committee (SARC). All recommendations for placement at the Success Academy must be approved by SARC.

Addressing Level III behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions as listed below. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Adjustment of student’s program / change of schedule
  • Alternative-to-suspension program
  • Assign peer or adult mentor
  • Behavior contract/plan
  • Extra-curricular suspension
  • Internal school suspension
  • Intervention room
  • Loss of privileges
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Participation in counseling session related to incident
  • Reentry plan
  • Required daily / weekly progress reports
  • Restitution
  • Restorative practices
    • Effective communication
    • Circles (preventive / relationship building and responsive / restorative)
    • Formal mediation
    • Conferencing
    • Letter of apology
    • Peer mediation
    • Restorative agreement / plan
    • Restorative conferencing
    • Walk-about conference
  • Reverse suspension
  • S.A.F.E. program
  • SARC review (Secondary Level)
  • Saturday School
  • Student, parent / guardian / staff conference
  • Temporary loss of bus privilege 

Level II Behaviors - Secondary

Range of corrective strategies

Level II behaviors are increasingly more serious acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function, and/or extracurricular activities or approved transportation.

Level II

  • Burglary
  • Drug Sale / Distribution
  • Off-campus Felony
  • Simple Battery
  • Robbery
  • Sexual Assault
  • Trespassing

Secondary Level:
*Recommendation for placement at the Success Academy must be approved by the Executive Director of Student Services or their designee

Addressing Level II behaviors may include several possible interventions and corrective actions as listed in Plan 2. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Alternative to suspension
  • Out-of-school suspension - school based hearing must be held for any considerations of suspension between 8 to 10 days
  • Students who commit a Level II offense may be recommended for placement at the Success Academy.* Successful completion of the Success Academy will be determined by the Success Academy principal and receiving school.
  • Restitution

Level I Behaviors - Secondary

Range of corrective strategies

Level I behaviors are the most serious acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the classroom, school function and/or extracurricular activities or approved transportation.

Level I

  • Arson
  • Battery
  • Homicide
  • Kidnapping
  • Sexual Battery
  • Weapons Possession

Secondary Level:
*Recommendation for placement at the Success Academy must be approved by the Executive Director of Student Services or their designee

Addressing Level I behaviors have limited corrective actions due to the severity of the behavior and the requirement to involve law enforcement. Parental contact will be attempted for all offenses.

Level Responses

  • Mandatory school-based hearing
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Students who commit a Level I offense may be recommended for placement at the Success Academy.* Successful completion of the Success Academy will be determined by the Success Academy principal and receiving school.
  • Expulsion

Secondary Quick Discipline Reference Guide

The Student Code of Conduct specifically identifies prohibited student conduct and lists the range of corrective actions which may be imposed for each infraction. When assigning corrective actions for misconduct, the principal or designee shall consider factors such as the nature of the misconduct, the student’s past disciplinary record, and the severity of the problem as it pertains to the specific situation.

Infractions are rated from ****, for the least severe School Environmental Safety Incident Report (SESIR) infractions, to *, for the most severe, per the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE).

Any updates to the FLDOE SESIR Codes and Definitions supersede those listed below.

  1. Aggravated Battery (BAT)* - (intentional great bodily harm) A battery where the attacker intentionally or knowingly causes more serious injury as defined in paragraph (8)(g) of this rule, such as great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement; uses a deadly weapon; or, where the attacker knew or should have known the victim was pregnant. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Alcohol (ALC)**** - Possession, sale, purchase, distribution, or use of alcoholic beverages. Use means the person is caught in the act of using, admits to using or is discovered to have used in the course of an investigation. Alcohol incidents cannot be Drug-related. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  1. Arson (ARS)* - To intentionally damage, or cause to be damaged, by fire or explosion, any dwelling, structure, or conveyance, whether occupied or not, or its contents. Fires that are not intentional, that are caused by accident, or do not cause damage are not required to be reported in SESIR. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Bullying (BUL)**** - (intimidating behaviors that are repeated, intentional, and involve a power imbalance) Systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees. Bullying includes instances of cyberbullying, as defined in Section 1006.147(3)(b), F.S. Bullying may include but is not limited to, repetitive instances of teasing, social exclusion, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, theft, harassment, public and private humiliation, or destruction of property.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level III w/ SARC Review
  1. Burglary (BRK)** - (illegal entry into a facility) Unlawful entry into or remaining in a dwelling structure or conveyance with the intent to commit a crime therein. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Cheating (CHT) - Inappropriate and deliberate distribution or use of an electronic device, information, notes, materials, or work of another person in the completion of an academic exam, test, or assignment in an online or traditional course, including plagiarism.
  2. There is considerable potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to be used in an innovative manner in the instructional setting. However, plagiarism, including plagiarism using AI, cannot be permitted. Plagiarism constitutes presenting another person's ideas, words, or work as your own, lacking proper attribution or acknowledgment. In AI, this wrongdoing emerges when AI-generated text or content is replicated without crediting the source or acknowledging the AI model or its creators. Such acts encompass directly copying or rephrasing AI-generated material in academic papers, articles, presentations, or any communication without recognizing the AI's role. This form of plagiarism erodes academic and intellectual integrity by misleading readers into perceiving the content as the plagiarizer’s creation rather than attributing it to its true origins.
  3. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  4. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Criminal Mischief (Felony Vandalism) (VAN)*** - (destruction, damage, or defacement of school or personal property) Willfully and maliciously injuring or damaging by any means real or personal property belonging to another, including, but not limited to, the placement of graffiti thereon or other acts of vandalism thereto, when the resulting damage amounts to $1,000 or more. For damage amounts less than $1,000, see #27 Other Rule Violations. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC Review
  1. Disruption on Campus (DOC)*** - (major disruption of all or a significant portion of campus activities, school-sponsored events, and school bus transportation) Disruptive behavior that poses a serious threat to the learning environment or the health, safety, or welfare of others. Examples of major disruptions include bomb threats, inciting a riot or initiating a false fire alarm. For disruptive behavior in a classroom environment or related functions, see #9 Disruptive Behavior. Threat or false report requires referral to Mental Health Team. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC Review
  1. Disruptive Behavior (DIS) - Participating in and / or encouraging any activity that substantially disrupts the classroom environment or its related functions.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First and Repeated)
    Major (First)
    Major (Repeated)
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
    Level IV w/ SARC Review
  3. For a first major offense, with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Dress Code Violation (DCV) - Failure to comply with dress code requirement(s). For schools with a uniform policy, refer to the school's student handbook for additional dress code information regarding specific school standards.
  2. Infraction
    Third and Beyond
    School-Level Response
    Level V - Verbal warning and parent contacte
    Level V - Loss of eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities (maximum of five days), or ATS action and parent contacted
    Level IV - Loss of eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities (maximum of 30 days). ISS is not to exceed three days. Verbal and written parent contact regarding consequences. (Section 1006.07, Florida Statutes)
  1. Drug Sale / Distribution (DRD)** - (illegal sale or distribution of drugs) The manufacture, cultivation, purchase, sale or distribution of any drug, narcotic, controlled substance or substance represented to be a drug, narcotic or controlled substance, including but not limited to a student giving prescription drugs prescribed for someone else to another person. For alcohol, see #2 ALC. For over-the-counter drugs, see #27 Other Rule Violations. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Drug Use / Possession Excluding Alcohol (DRU)*** - (illegal drug possession or use) The use or possession of any drug, narcotic, controlled substance, or any substance used for chemical intoxication. Use, possession or being under the influence of any drug also includes any substance represented to be a drug used for the purpose of altering brain function, including but not limited to synthetic marijuana, synthetic cathinone (bath salts), and prescription drugs not prescribed to the student. For alcohol, see #2 ALC. For over-the-counter drugs, see #27 Other Rule Violations. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. 1st offense

    Level 3
    Up to 3 days OSS


    Up to 2 days OSS and 1 day ISS with completion of anti-drug and alcohol programming

    2nd offense

    Level 3
    Up to 5 days OSS


    Up to 4 days OSS and completion of extended school day anti-drug and alcohol programming with parent participation

    3rd offense

    Level 2
    Success Academy assignment 

  1. False Accusation (FAL) - Making false accusation(s) against a staff member or other student that may jeopardize employment, education, professional certification, or reputation, including, but not limited to, accusations created and / or transmitted from any computer or any electronic device during school hours or the use of FortifyFL to make false accusations.
  2. Infraction
    First (Against a Staff Member)
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC Review
    Level III w/ SARC Review
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Fighting (FIT)*** - (mutual combat, mutual altercation) When two or more persons mutually participate in use of force or physical violence that requires either physical interventions or results in injury requiring first aid or medical attention. Lower-level fights, including pushing, shoving, or altercations that stop on verbal command are excluded; see #28 Peer Conflict. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First (with: pursuing, joining in an existing fight, or evidence of planning in an existing fight, or evidence of planning)
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level II
    Level II
  1. Forgery / Misuse (FOR) - Making a false or misleading communication to a school staff member with either the intent to deceive or under circumstances which would reasonably be calculated to deceive the staff member.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC Review
  1. Gang-Related Activity (GRA) - Engaging in any verbal, written, or physical act which is associated with becoming a member of a gang, being a member of a gang or participating in gang-identified rituals or behaviors.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC Review
  1. Grand Theft (STL)*** - (taking of property from a person, building, or a vehicle) The unauthorized taking of the property of another person or organization, including motor vehicles, valued at $750 or more, without threat, violence, or bodily harm. Incidents that fall below the $750 threshold are not reportable in SESIR but instead should be reported as locally defined incidents according to district policies. Thefts of property of any value that involve a use of force, violence, assault, or putting the victim in fear must be reported as #31 Robbery. For stolen property less than $750, see #29 Petty Theft. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  1. Harassment (HAR)**** - (one-time, insulting behaviors) Any threatening, insulting or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, or written, verbal or physical conduct that 1) places a student or school employee in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, 2) has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or 3) has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of a school including any course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such a person and serves no legitimate purpose. Instances of Harassment that are chronic or repeated in nature should be evaluated for Bullying or Bullying-related.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level III w/ SARC review
  1. Hazing (HAZ)*** - Any action or situation that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student at a school with any of grades 6 through 12 for purposes of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any school-sanctioned organization. Hazing includes, but is not limited to, pressuring, coercing, or forcing a student to participate in illegal or dangerous behavior, or any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, or exposure to the elements. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Homicide (HOM)* - (murder, manslaughter) Unjustified killing of one human being by another. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Horseplay (HRS) - Participating in and / or encouraging an activity that involves minor physical contact of a nonconfrontational nature.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
  1. Insubordination / Disrespect (INS) - Any deliberate and overt refusal or failure to adhere to explicit directives, instructions, or commands issued by school personnel, including teachers, administrators, or any designated authority figures. This encompasses acts of defiance, disobedience, or resistance to established rules, policies, or regulations within the school community.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First and Repeated)
    Major (First)
    Major (Repeated)
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
    Level IV w/ SARC Review
  3. Consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee for Level III (Plan 3) consideration.
  1. Kidnapping (KID)* - (abduction of an individual) Forcibly, secretly or by threat, confining, abducting, or imprisoning another person against his / her will and without lawful authority. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. No-Show for Discipline (NSD) - Failure to serve a disciplinary consequence, including but not limited to after-school detention, lunch detention, Saturday school, work detail, or other alternatives to suspension.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  1. Off-Campus Felony (FEL) - A student who has charges filed, by the proper prosecuting attorney, with a felony or with a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult on other than school property, or a student who has been adjudicated guilty of a felony on other than school property, may be recommended for alternative reassignment or expulsion by the Principal if it is determined the student's presence at school will have an adverse impact on the education environment.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
    *Felony offenses for alternative placement: Drugs / Drug Sale / Drug Distribution, Weapons, Sexual offense, Aggravated battery
  3. Principals may consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee for felony offenses not listed.
  1. Other Major (OMC)*** - (major incidents that do not fit within the other definitions) Any serious, harmful incident resulting in the need for law enforcement consultation not previously classified. This includes but is not limited to, any drug or weapon found unintended and not linked to any individual; such incidents must be coded with the appropriate related element (such as Drug-related or Weapon-related) and incident involvement must be reported as unknown; students producing or knowingly using counterfeit money, participating in gambling activities, possessing child pornography, or possessing drug paraphernalia. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Other Rule Violations (OTH) - Other rule violations that do not fall into the above categories or other offenses as indicated below.
  2. Sale or distribution of over-the-counter medication and / or supplements, including but not limited to aspirin, vitamins, Tylenol, and / or possession of prescription medication
  3. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level IV w/ SARC review
  4. Vandalism offenses that result in damage amounts totaling less than $1,000
  5. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level IV w/ SARC review
  6. Possession, use, distribution, or sale of tobacco (including e-cigarettes) by any person 21 or older
  7. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  8. Possession, use, storage, and / or sale of contraband to include but not limited to lighters, toys, games, laser pens / pointers, and / or ammunition during regular school hours or school-sponsored activities
  9. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  10. Possession of pornographic material
  11. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III *Consult Law Enforcement
  12. Manipulating computer hardware, software, data, and / or the misuse of telecommunication services, including but not limited to the improper use of technology devices, posting of inappropriate information on the internet, and / or accessing inappropriate websites during or after school hours that may interfere with the educational process
  13. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  14. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  15. Unapproved possession, posting, or distribution of printed materials, petitions, electronic messages, and / or graphic representations on school grounds or property
  16. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level IV w/ SARC review
  17. Participating in acts of public display of affection
  18. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  19. Involvement in any transportation (bus) or bus stop (when bus present) violation
  20. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
    Level IV w/ SARC review
  21. Review for major offenses on the bus, see other incidents 1-45. The principal / designee has the authority to cite other appropriate discipline infractions from the Code of Conduct for Students when dealing with transportation incidents.
  1. Peer Conflict (PRC) - Mutual participation in an altercation, either verbal or physical, including but not limited to pushing, shoving, and other forms of minor confrontations that do not require medical attention. When a staff member intervenes, participants in the altercation comply and stop. For more severe physical altercations see #14 Fighting.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First)
    Minor (Repeated)
    Major (First) (with evidence of preplanning or conflicts that occur in the bathroom / secluded area)
    Major (Repeated)
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  1. Petty Theft (PTF) - Unauthorized taking, carrying, or concealing property of another person without threat, violence, or bodily harm, and the stolen property totals less than $750. For greater than $750, see #17 Grand Theft.
  2. Infraction
    First under $100
    Repeated or over $100, less than $500
    Repeated or over $500, less than $750
    School-Level Response
    Level V
    Level IV
    Level IV w/ SARC review
  1. Physical Harm (PHY) – Physical harm refers to deliberate actions or behaviors that result in minor injuries or discomfort, exceeding the boundaries of typical horseplay or playful interactions. This may include deliberate pushing, shoving, or roughhousing that leads to noticeable bruises, scratches, or minor injuries.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level II
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Profanity (PRO) - Use of profanity and / or vulgar, abusive, or inappropriate language, clothing, or gestures.
  2. General Use in Conversation
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  4. Student Directed to Student
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  6. Student Directed to Adult
  7. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  8. Racial / Ethnic / Gender Slurs
  9. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III w/ SARC review
    Level III w/ SARC review
  10. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Robbery (ROB)** - (using force to take something from another) The taking or attempted taking of, money or other property from the person or custody of another with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the person or owner of the money or other property under the confrontational circumstances of force, or threat of force or violence and / or by putting the victim in fear. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Safety Violation (SFE) - Engaging in an act that endangers the safety of others.
  2. Weapon (not defined by state statute)
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  4. Use of common object to inflict harm on others
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  6. Throwing an inappropriate object
  7. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  8. Other actions that endanger the safety or welfare of others
  9. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  10. Leaving campus without permission
  11. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Sexual Assault (SXA)** - An incident that includes fondling, indecent liberties, child molestation or threatened rape. Both male and female students can be victims of sexual assault. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Sexual Battery (SXB)* - (attempted or actual) Forced or attempted oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by using a sexual organ or an object simulating a sexual organ or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any body part or foreign object. Both males and females can be victims of sexual battery. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I
  1. Sexual Harassment (SXH)*** - (undesired sexual behavior) Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, such as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Harassing conduct can include verbal or nonverbal actions, including graphic and written statements, and may include statements made through computers, cellphones, and other devices connected to the Internet. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III w/ SARC review
    Level II
  1. Sexual Offenses (SXO)*** - (lewdness, indecent exposure) Other sexual contact, including intercourse, without force or threat of force. Includes subjecting an individual to lewd sexual gestures, sexual activity, or exposing private body parts in a lewd manner. School-based Equity Coordinator must be notified to provide Title IX information. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Simple Battery (PHA)** - An actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against his / her will, or the intentional causing of bodily harm to an individual. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  3. For a first offense with additional considerations, consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Skipping Class (SKP) - Not reporting to or leaving an assigned class, activity, or area without receiving proper approval and / or following the established procedures for checking out of a class.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  1. Tardiness (TAR) - Late arrival to a class or to school or the failure to sign in upon arrival to school. Note: Start every quarter with a clean slate.
  2. Tardy to Class
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  4. Tardy to School
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  6. Failure to Sign In
  7. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  1. Threat / Intimidation (TRE)*** - (instilling fear in others) An incident where there was no physical contact between the offender and victim, but the victim reasonably believed that physical harm could have occurred based on verbal or nonverbal communication by the offender. This includes nonverbal threats and verbal threats of physical harm, which are made in person, electronically or through any other means. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    Minor (First)
    Minor (Repeated)
    Major (Directed to Adult*)
    Major (Student to Student*)
    Major (School-Wide Threat*)
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
    Level II
    Level II
    Level I
  3. *Consult with the Executive Director of Student Services / Designee.
  1. Tobacco – Nicotine (TBC)**** - (cigarettes or other forms of tobacco / nicotine) The possession, sale, purchase, distribution, or use of tobacco or nicotine products (including electronic nicotine delivery systems) on school grounds, at school-sponsored events or on school transportation by any person under the age of 21. Tobacco incidents cannot be drug-related.
  2. 1st offense

    Level 4
    Examples: detention, in-school-suspension, or referral to Hanley Foundation

    2nd offense

    Level 3
    Up to 3 days OSS


    1 day OSS/ISS with completion of anti-tobacco programming including parent participation

    3rd offense

    Level 2 with extended school day options including parent participation

    Possible loss of driving privileges

  1. Trespassing (TRS)** - (illegal entry onto campus) To enter or remain on school grounds, school transportation, or at a school-sponsored event, without authorization or invitation and with no lawful purpose for entry. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II
  1. Unauthorized Area (UNA) - Being present in buildings, rooms, or other areas on a school campus the student is not assigned to at that time or an area not designated for student access without authorization.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level V
  3. Unauthorized Area (Restrooms) (UNA) - Any student who willfully enters a restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex (based on biological sez at birth) on the premises of the educational institution and refuses to depart when asked.
  4. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  1. Electronics / Telecommunications Devices (ETD) - Display or use of a personal electronic or telecommunication device during school hours. Students may possess cell phones and other personal electronic devices (including but not limited to cell phones and/or auxiliary/ancillary devices such as watches and earbuds) while on school grounds during regular school hours. However, they must be turned off at all times unless utilized for an approved activity. Possession of all personal electronic devices, including cell phones, is at the student's own risk, and the school assumes no responsibility, legal or otherwise, with regard to these items. As of 7/1/23, the following meet the criteria for prohibited applications as established in Section 112.22(1)(f)*, F.S.: QQ, TikTok, WeChat, VKontakte, Kaspersky.
  2. Display of weapons or inappropriate messages, pictures, or images on one's cellular phone or electronic device that cause a disruption to the safe operation of the school:
  3. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II *Consult with law enforcement
  4. Display or use of cellular phone or other telecommunication devices or electronic equipment unless for an approved activity, including, but not limited to, radios, headsets, or gaming devices during regular school hours:
  5. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level IV
  6. Unauthorized use of an electronic device or camera to record school-related events or activities on campus:
  7. Infraction
    School-Level Response
    Level III
    Level III w/ SARC review
  8. Unauthorized taping, photographing, or posting on social media of disruption on campus (fighting, peer conflicts, etc.) that can be used to degrade, threaten, intimidate, or dehumanize the student involved:
  9. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level III
  10. Sexting or display of pornographic or inappropriate messages, pictures, or images on one's cellular phone:
  11. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level II *Consult with law enforcement
  1. Weapons Possession (WPO)** - (possession of firearms and other instruments which can cause harm) Possession of a firearm or any instrument or object as defined by Section 790.00, (6) and (13), F.S., that can inflict serious harm on another person or that can place a person in reasonable fear of serious harm, including but not limited to billy clubs, chemical weapons or devices, dirks, electronic weapons (e.g. stun guns), explosive propellants, firearms, flare guns, handguns, zip guns, rifles, shotguns, knives (for pocketknives, kitchen knives, and razor blades see Safety Violation definition), metallic knuckles, projectile devices, slingshots, Chinese throwing stars, and tear gas. Possession of a firearm or weapon requires a referral to Mental Health Team. Must be reported to law enforcement.
  2. Infraction
    First and Repeated
    School-Level Response
    Level I

Consequences / Responses

KEY: + Violent incidents that must be reported in the data element “injury related”
# Violent incidents if they result in bodily harm that must be reported in the data element “injury-related”
X Must be reported to law enforcement

Infractions are rated from ****, for the least severe School Environmental Safety Incident Report (SESIR) infractions, to *, for the most severe, per the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)

Level of consequence Level 1 is the highest level of infraction Major incident report School will contact
Infraction / Violation 1 2 3 4 5 Law Enforcement SDLC
Aggravated Battery (BAT)* + x Required
Alcohol (ALC)**** x Required
Arson (ARS)* # x Required
Bullying (BUL)**** # Administrative Discretion
Burglary (BRK)** # x Required
Criminal Mischief / Felony Vandalism (VAN) *** x Required
Disruption on Campus (DOC)*** # x Required
Drug Sale / Distribution (DRD)** x Required
Drug Use / Possession (DRU)*** x Required
Fighting (FIT)*** # x Required
Grand Theft (STL)*** x Required
Harassment (HAR)**** # Administrative Discretion
Hazing (HAZ)*** # x Required
Homicide (HOM)* + x Required
Kidnapping (KID)* + x Required
Other Major (OMC)*** # x Required
Robbery (ROB)** # x Required
Sexual Assault (SXA)** x Required
Sexual Battery (SXB)* + x Required
Sexual Harassment (SXH)*** # Administrative Discretion
Sexual Offenses (SXO)*** x Required
Simple Battery (PHA)** # x         Required  
Tobacco / Nicotine (TBC) ***** Administrative Discretion
Threat / Intimidation (TRE)*** x Required
Trespassing (TRS)** x Required
Weapons Possession (WPO)** x Required
Cheating (CHT) N/A
Disruptive Behavior (DIS) Administrative Discretion
Dress Code Violation (DCV) N/A
Electronics / Telecommunications Devices (ETD)
  • Display of weapon / inappropriate messages
  • Display/use of a device
  • Unauthorized use of a device to record
  • Unauthorized taping / photographing of disruption on campus
  • Sexting / display of pornographic / inappropriate text / image
False Accusation (FAL) Administrative Discretion
Forgery (FOR) N/A
Gang-Related Activity (GRA) Expected
Horseplay (HRS) N/A
Insubordination / Disrespect (INS) Administrative Discretion
No-Show for Discipline (NSD) N/A
Off-Campus Felony (FEL) Expected
Peer Conflict (PRC) Administrative Discretion
Petty Theft (PTF) Administrative Discretion
Physical Harm (PHY)             Administrative Discretion   
Profanity (PRO)
  • General Use
  • Student to student
  • Student to adult
  • Racial / ethnic / derogatory slurs
Administrative Discretion
Safety Violation (SFE)
  • Weapon (non-statutory)
  • Use of object to inflict harm
  • Throwing an inappropriate object
  • Other actions that endanger
  • Leaving campus without permission
Tardiness (TAR)
  • Skipping Class (SKP)
  • Tardy to class
  • Tardy to school
  • Failure to sign in
  • Unauthorized Area (UNA)
  • Unauthorized Area (Restroom) (UNA)
Other Rule Violations (OTH)
  • Possession / distribution of over-the-counter medication
  • Vandalism less than $1,000
  • Possession / distribution of tobacco/nicotine (21 or older)
  • Possession/sale of contraband
Administrative Discretion
  • Possession of pornographic material
  • Manipulating computer hardware, software or data or misuse of telecommunications services
Administrative Discretion
  • Unapproved possession / distribution of printed materials, electronic messages or graphic representations
Administrative Discretion
  • Participating in public displays of affection
  • Involvement in any transportation (bus) or bus stop violation
Administrative Discretion