Reporting Bullying

Reporting Bullying

Warning Signs That Your Child May Be A Target of Bullying

If your child exhibits one or more of these warning signs, he or she may be a target of bullying. Talk with your child to help determine whether he or she is being bullied.

A Child Being Bullied May:

  • Withdraw socially, have few or no friends.
  • Feel isolated, alone, or sad.
  • Feel picked on or persecuted.
  • Feel rejected and not liked.
  • Frequently complain of illness.
  • Not want to go to school, avoid some classes, or skip school entirely.
  • Bring home damaged possessions or claim they were lost.
  • Cry easily, display mood swings, and appear hopeless.
  • Have poor social skills.
  • Talk about running away.
  • Talk of suicide.
  • Threaten violence to self or others.
  • Change his or her eating or sleeping patterns.
  • Take, or attempt to take, some type of weapon to school for protection.
  • Display "target" body language - hangs head, hunches shoulders, avoids eye contact.

Warning Signs That Your Child May Be Bullying Others

If your child exhibits one or more of these warning signs, he or she may be bullying others. Talk with your child to help determine whether he or she is bullying others.

A Child Bullying Others May:

  • Seek to dominate and/or manipulate others.
  • Enjoy feeling powerful and in control
  • Seem to derive satisfaction from others' fear, discomfort, or pain.
  • Be good at hiding bullying or does it in ways that adults do not notice it.
  • Be excited by conflicts between others.
  • Blame others for his or her problems.
  • Display uncontrolled anger.
  • Have a history of discipline problems.
  • Display a pattern of impulsive and chronic hitting or intimidating and aggressive behaviors.
  • Have a history of violent and aggressive behaviors.
  • Display intolerance and prejudice towards others.
  • Use drugs or alcohol or be a member of a gang.
  • Lack empathy towards others.

Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up for All Students Act

The Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up for All Students Act became a law in June 2008. The School Board of Lee County has approved a Board Policy which states their guidelines for the identification and reporting of bullying, expectations for behavior, procedures, and consequences regarding bullying and harassment.

The School District of Lee County will not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment between students and/or adults on our school campuses. Our goal is protection of our students, and provision of a safe and nurturing educational environment for all of our students and staff.

State and District Anti-Bullying Documents

How do I file a report of bullying?

There are several methods for reporting suspected bullying incidents:

  • You can contact a school by phone and report it to school personnel
  • You can make a report in person
  • You can complete the Bullying Report Form

The reporting form (see below) can be downloaded, printed and returned to the school's Administrative Office or to the Lee County Public Education Center - Student Services Department. Your child's school also has copies of this form available for you to complete.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate your request by checking the box at the bottom of the form. Anonymous means that the name of the individual reporting an alleged incident of bullying/harassment will remain confidential.