Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a proactive approach to promote positive behavior resulting in improved academic outcomes, school safety and overall satisfaction of the school experience for students, families and staff. The focus of PBIS is prevention and intervention. In other words, PBIS is a process of teaching, reinforcing and recognizing the behaviors that lead to student success instead of simply punishing misbehavior.
At its heart, PBIS focuses on evidence-based practices that provide a common language and focus for behavioral expectations; instruction and communication toward them; recognition when they are met; and interventions/corrective actions when they are not met. The supports are provided within the MultiTiered System of Supports (MTSS) model that focuses on universal supports for all (Tier 1), supplemental supports for some (Tier 2) and intensive supports for the few that need them (Tier 3).
PBIS is recognized by The School District of Lee County as a necessary and vital component of a complete behavior support and discipline system. All schools are required to provide positive behavior support systems, and most of our schools have received training and recognition by the Florida PBIS Project, with a number receiving Model School status. Other schools supplement positive behavior support with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs. Each school has a dedicated team that continually reviews school attendance, behavior and course performance data to problem solve and determine needed adjustments/new supports. The School District of Lee County continues to support implementation of positive behavior systems and strategies through training and technical assistance.
The outcomes are significant. Research studies on PBIS conclude it leads to better student behavior including reduced numbers of referrals, suspensions, and bullying incidents. Students learn positive behavior expectations and strategies that will serve them throughout their lives at home, work and in the community.