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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is "an assessment and intervention process for systematically monitoring student progress and making decisions about the need for instructional modifications or increasingly intensified services using progress monitoring data" (NRCLD, 2006). As such, the School District of Lee County has created a practice that is designed to lead a school-based team through the MTSS problem-solving process in order to best address student needs. This practice should assist the team in the problem-solving and decision-making process. It is comprehensive, and allows the team to effectively use data to match research-based and/or evidenced-based interventions with student needs. Additionally, this approach ensures that the district is in compliance with state-adopted rules and federal mandates.

Visit out MTSS Web site page for more information


Multi-tiered Stystem of Support (MTSS) & PBIS
by Positive Behaviorial Interventions and Suppots

Florida's MTSS
by Florida's Multi-Tiered System of Supports

MTSS: What you need to know
by Understood for learning and attention issues, Peg Rosen