Department of Juvenile Justice
Juvenile Justice programs are required to provide a career and professional education (CAPE) program. Description of program types are defined by Florida Statutes. Programs are described based on their capabilities. Florida Statutes 1003.52 describe educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice Programs, and State Board of Education 6A-6.05281(4), Educational Programs for Youth in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Commitment, Day Treatment, or Early Delinquency Intervention Programs, rules specify individual academic plans for all juvenile justice education students.
Out of Field Teachers
Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which the teacher is certified. The following teachers working at Pace Center for Girls are certified, but may be assigned one or more classes outside their area of certification and are required to take the appropriate steps to comply with the statutory regulations:
Jail/Core Center: To date: N/A
Pace Center for Girls: To date: Ms. April Brooks is out of field for Science 6-12; and Ms. B. Stasi is out of field for Art 6-12.
Title 1 Part D
All Department of Juvenile Justice sites receive funding from Title I, Part D, Local and State Neglected/Delinquent Allocations.
The Juvenile Justice Educational Centers are funded in part by Title I Part D. This funding is used to carry out highly qualified educational programs to prepare students for secondary school completion and activities to transition the student from the correctional programs to further their education or employment. The approved 2021-2022 Title I Part D grant will provide professional development training, supplemental instruction in math, tutoring services, equipment, and supplies.
School Advisory Committee
School Advisory Committee (SAC) Meetings are held at the Lee County School District Office at 4:00pm. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. All community members are welcome to attend.
Staff Members
James Buchanon, Principal, 239-335-1585
Herman Williams, Program Administrator, 239-337-8111
Zaida Portier, Senior Administrative Assistant, 239-335-1470
Harriett Henderson, Guidance Counselor, 239-337-8139
Alan Stockton, Transition Specialist, 239-939-6353
Nancy Eggeling, ESE Staffing Specialist, 239-337-8326
Juvenile Justice Educational Centers
Community Support
Thank you for supporting our faculty, staff & students.
- Life Church
- Perkins at Six Mile Cypress
- Starbucks at The Forum
- Zoe's Kitchen