Salary Schedule N

Salary Schedule N - Frequently Asked Questions

Article 10.06 (Changes in Compensation)

1. Is there a change in compensation as a result of ratification and Board approval of the FY24 Salary Schedule N?

Yes, eligible employees will receive an increase in compensation effective July 1, 2023.

See More: Salary Schedule N

Contact: Compensation and Labor Relations

2. What changes in compensation are available as part of the FY24 Salary Schedule N?

Base Rate of Pay

All eligible employees will receive an increase in base rate of pay (hourly rate) of eight (8) percent effective July 1, 2023.


Contact: Payroll

Article 10.05 (Compensation - Pay Delivery)

3. What was my base rate of pay (hourly rate) prior to the FY24 Salary Schedule N?

Your base pay rate (hourly rate) prior to the update is listed on your prior paycheck stubs that can be accessed in PeopleSoft. The navigation path to the PeopleSoft Employee Compensation page is: Employee Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > My Paycheck.

Contact: Payroll

4. How will I see my base rate of pay (hourly rate) increase on my paystub?

Increases in base rate of pay (hourly rate) will show on the paystub under each category (regular, overtime, etc.)

See More: Salary Schedule N

Contact: Compensation and Labor Relations

5. Are pay increases retroactive?

Yes, all eligible employees will receive an increase in base rate of pay (hourly rate) of eight (8) percent effective July 1, 2023.

See More:  Salary Schedule N

Contact:  Compensation and Labor Relations

6. When will I see an increase in my base rate of pay (hourly rate) on my paycheck?

The Salary Schedule N increase will be paid in the December 15, 2023 paycheck.

See More: Salary Schedule N

Contact: Payroll

7. What is the Market Rate Salary Schedule?

The Market Rate Salary Schedule does not have Grades and Steps. The rates for the positions on this salary schedule are based off of the Market Rate for individual positions. The District is committed to reviewing the rates for these positions annually to ensure competitive pay for these positions. The District uses software from the Economic Research Institute (ERI), which utilizes data from the US Department of Labor (US DOL) to determine market rates based upon geographic location, industry and organization size. The District also uses data from other school districts, as reported to the Florida Department of Education (FL DOE).

See More: Salary Schedule N

Contact: Compensation and Labor Relations

Article 10.01 (Experience Credit)

8. I left the District and recently returned. Am I eligible for a Return to Rate of Pay?

In order to be eligible for a Return to Rate of Pay, you must have been re-hired in the current contract year, and your separation from the District must be within the required time frame.

See More: Salary Schedule N

Contact: Compensation and Labor Relations