Instructional Staff
Included in the instructional bargaining unit are regular employees who are certified instructional personnel or are employed in a position requiring a certificate, whether or not such employee holds a certificate. This includes, but is not limited to, classroom teachers, Special Instructional staff, Media Specialists, itinerant instructional staff, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, School Counselors, School Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Behavior Specialists, Behavior Analysts, and JROTC Instructors who are employed by the District.
Instructional Staff - Starting Salary (Calculator is used to estimate new hire starting salary following the FY24 (2023-2024 school year) Teacher Salary Increase Allocation)
TALC Salary Schedule
Non-Instructional Staff
The support staff bargaining unit includes employees on the SPALC Salary Schedule. This includes, but is not limited to, full-time and part-time support staff in the job classifications listed in Appendix C of the SPALC Contract.
SPALC Salary Schedule
Included in Salary Schedule N are full-time or part-time supervisory, technical, and confidential employees of The School District of Lee County, Florida. In addition to covering these regular employees, Salary Schedule N also covers casual employees with the exception of outside vendors, consultants, and subcontractors covered by separate agreements.
Salary Schedule N
The Administrator Salary Schedule includes full-time or part-time administrators employed by The School District of Lee County, Florida, unless otherwise stated in the Administrator Salary Schedule.
Administrator Salary Schedule