Transportation to Day Care Facilities
The District will adhere to School Board Policy 8600 and not route stops to any after care facility. However, there is a possibility that an established stop on an established route may be near a daycare. In this case, students, in theory, could ride that bus to the after-school program if these four conditions are met:
- The request is for a permanent, everyday basis.
- There is an established route and stop in existence that shall fulfill the request.
- The parent/guardian understands that requests shall be granted on a space available basis and permission may be revoked at a later date.
- Requests for this alternate school transportation must be submitted in writing to the principal for approval.
As another alternative, all elementary schools are offering before and after school care at a uniform cost across the District.
Please contact your child’s school to sign up or learn more.
Our priority is getting students to school on time so they do not miss any instructional time. We can no longer do that and provide courtesy busing. There is also no requirement that we provide courtesy busing but we do encourage and welcome after school care facilities to provide their own transportation and use our schools to pick students up.