Alternate Assessment For Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA) is designed specifically for students with significant cognitive disabilities. FSAA is fully aligned to Florida alternate achievement standards, otherwise known as Access Points, and provides an option for students to participate in the state's accountability system in a way that is both meaningful and academically challenging for every student with a significant cognitive disability. Access Points reflect the key concepts of the Florida Standards at varied levels of complexity. They ensure access to the essence or core intent of the standards that apply to all students in the same grade. For more information about Access Points, visit the Curriculum Planning and Learning Management System (CPALMS) Web site at
Which students will take the FSAA?
Individual Educational Plan (IEP) teams are responsible for determining whether students with disabilities will participate in the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) or in alternate assessment. IEP teams determine if a student meets EACH of the criteria for using alternate assessment as per 6A-1.0943 Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities.
Access Points in the following academic areas are assessed at the grade levels/course indicated below:
- Grades 3, 4, 6 and 7 - ELA, Math
- Grade 5 and 8 - ELA, Math and Science
- Grades 9 and 10 - ELA
- ACCESS End of Course Exams - Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology 1, Civics, and US History
What is the Florida Alternate Assessment like?
The FSAA program includes two types: the FSAA—Performance Task (FSAA—PT) and FSAA—Datafolio, which form a continuum of assessment to meet the needs of Florida’s students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The IEP team determines which type of assessment is the appropriate assessment for the student based on their individual needs.
The FSAA—PT is an interactive assessment allowing students to participate in providing responses at three levels of complexity and results are reported through achievement levels. The FSAA—Datafolio is portfolio based designed to address the needs of a small population of students who typically do not have a formal mode of communication and may be working at pre-academic levels.