Our Main Department Number: 239-337-8104
Fax: 239-337-8653
Theresa Bowen
Maria Frisina
Secretary to Director
Susan Ellinger
(239) 337-8335
Assistant Director
Scott Kozlowski
(239) 337-8287
Assistant Director
Amy Bartlett
(239) 337-8295
ESE Coordinator for South Region
Amy Burke
(239) 337-8326
ESE Coordinator
Jodi Chalmers
(239) 337-8501
ESE Coordinator (Gifted)
Kim Cook-Morrison
(239) 337-8367
ESE Coordinator for East Region
Danielle Cwikla
(239) 337-8117
ESE Coordinator
Dr. Deidre Phillips
(239) 337-8127
ESE Coordinator for FDLRS
Jody Prescott
(239) 337-8256
ESE Coordinator for West Region
Kristin Sinclair
(239) 335-1577
ESE Coordinator (Enrollment)
Amanda Weinrich
(239) 939-6862
ESE Coordinator for North Region
Through the Exceptional Student Education Department, the District offers a free and appropriate public education in compliance with the federally mandated Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA). A continuum of services and programs is available to meet the individual needs of students requiring special education, ages 3 through 21. Services and related services are provided per an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and are based on each child’s unique needs, as related to present levels of academic achievement and functional performance. Special education services are provided in all of the three attendance zones – East, West and South. With the exception of very specialized low-incidence programs, students will attend a school within the geographical school attendance zone of residence.