What Is Bullying
Bullying is repeated, unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying can occur in-person or through digital technologies. Key points to consider:
- Someone who bullies' power can be derived from physical size, strength, verbal skill, popularity, or gender.
- A person being bullied may feel tormented, helpless, and defenseless.
- Bullying can include hitting, name-calling, threatening, intimidating, kicking, spreading rumors, teasing, pushing, tripping, excluding someone from a group, or destroying someone's things.
- Cyberbullying can include using email, social media, blogs, chat rooms, text messaging, or other online digital methods of communication.
Please refer to our Conflict-Rude-Mean-Bullying behavior charts to help distinguish between conflict, rude, mean, or bullying behavior.
Bullying Hurts
Short Information Video on Bullying