According to the 2019 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey, the majority of middle and high school students are reporting that they do not use alcohol, nicotine products, and other drugs. The resources on this page will help parents so they can continue to have honest and informed discussions with their children about substance use and its effects.
The Florida Youth Survey is a multi-agency youth health behavior surveillance program coordinated by the Florida Departments of Health, Children and Families, and Education.
Drug Free Lee is a local non-profit coalition whose mission is to reduce substance abuse in Lee County by raising awareness of prevention resources through collaboration, education and inspiration. Drug House Odyssey is a real-life depiction about the dangers of driving while impaired. Local volunteers, medical health professionals, fire fighters, emergency medical services, attorneys, and law enforcement participate in this annual production coordinated by Drug Free Lee. View the Drug House Odyssey video.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) This website for teens and those who influence them-parents, guardians, and teachers- gives the facts about drugs and their effects on the brain and body.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids is a national nonprofit committed to supporting the whole family as they address every aspect of substance use and addiction, from prevention to recovery.
The Facts. Your Future. is a multi-faceted campaign from the Florida Department of Education and First Lady Casey DeSantis' designed to heighten youth understanding of the dangerous and life-altering effects of substance use.
Tips for Talking to Your Children About Drugs at All Ages handout. English version - Creole version - Spanish version
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website on substance use and adolescent development.
Victoria's Voice Vital Signs is a free educational program that prepares parents to recognize the early signs of drug use in their children.