Norm Project

The Norm Project logo

The Norm Project is a district wide initiative, sponsored by United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades, and Okeechobee Counties, that challenges the misperceptions about Lee County students by presenting them with the facts. The Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey polls a sample of our student population each year and has found that the majority of Lee County students do not use alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs. This shows that our students are making good decisions and are choosing a healthy lifestyle!

What Is Social Norming?

"Most students do not drink alcohol." "The majority of students do not use drugs."

These two statements are the primary messages of The Norm Project. Many students think the majority of their peers use alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs, but that is not true. The social norms approach addresses how individuals tend to incorrectly believe that the attitudes or behaviors of others are different from their own, when in reality they are similar. Students are more inclined to use alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs when they believe that their peers are using.

Every year, results from the Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey consistently show that the majority of Lee County students choose not to use alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs. The Norm Project uses student-designed posters to communicate this and to promote healthy behaviors that accurately reflect what is really going on with our teens, or the “norm”.

What Is The Norm Project Student Poster Contest?

The Norm Project is a School District of Lee County prevention initiative, funded by a grant from United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades, and Okeechobee Counties, that seeks to correct misperceptions about teen alcohol and drug use. SDLC students create posters that send the message that most of their peers choose not to use alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs.

Since the 2013-14 school year, The Norm Project has encouraged Lee County’s most artistic and creative students to enter the annual Student Poster Contest. All our middle and high school students are eligible to participate and design a poster with a social norming message. The winning posters are available for all middle and high schools to display the following year, sharing the message that most Lee County students are alcohol and drug-free!

2024-2025 Student Poster Contest

This school year's contest will open after winter break.

Poster Contest Rules:

  1. Individual entries only and only one entry per student.
  2. Entries may be produced by an individual, group, class, or club.
  3. Both digital and hand drawn entries will be accepted
    • Digital entry specifics:
        Customized size of 12” x 18” with a .25” bleed.
        Must be submitted in the original file format. (.docx, .psd, .ai, etc.)
    • Hand Drawn entry specifics:
        Must be on an 8.5” x 11” paper.
  4. Designs must use original, student-created imagery, concept or design.
    • Imagery must reflect positive behaviors, not dark or scary ones.
    • 20% of design may utilize online resources / non-student derived imagery but should be customized by student to avoid copyright infringement.
    • Software Brushes, Symbols, Clip Art, and other pre-created resources must also be kept within the 20% maximum and should be customized by student to avoid copyright infringement.
  5. The poster must have a social norming message. For example:
    • "83% of Florida youth think it would be wrong for someone their age to drink alcohol."
    • "94% of Florida youth think it would be wrong for someone their age to smoke cigarettes."
    • "82% of Florida youth think it would be wrong for someone their age to smoke marijuana."
    • "97% of Florida youth think it would be wrong for someone their age to use illicit drugs."
    • "89% of Florida youth think it would be wrong for someone their age to vape nicotine."
    • "86% of Florida youth think it would be wrong for someone their age to vape marijuana."
    • "95% of Florida youth think their friends believe it is wrong to use prescription drugs."
  6. All entries must be accompanied with completed and signed Parent/Legal Guardian Consent and Originality Verification forms.
  7. All entries must be submitted by February 14, 2025 to Sara Thompson or Kathy Wynne in School Counseling Services via Google Drive, email, mail, or school PONY:

Sara Thompson, Prevention Specialist
Kathy Wynne, Prevention Specialist
School Counseling and Mental Health Services

2024-25 Norm Project Guidelines and Permission forms

Norm Project Poster Planning Guide

Norm Project Poster Contest Flyer

Social Norms Student Lesson Plan for Teachers


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