Medications in Schools
Medication administration during school hours will occur only when a medication schedule cannot be adjusted to provide for administration at home and is done for the best interest of the child or on an emergency basis. Unlicensed school personnel, who are both authorized by the principal and trained by the school nurse, may assist students in taking prescribed medications during school hours as per Florida Statute 1006.062 and SDLC policy 5330.
If medication is required during the school day, the following guidelines for the administration of medication must be followed:
- Medication should be administered during school hours only when medication schedules cannot be adjusted to allow for administration at home.
- A new Health Care Provider/Parent Consent for Medication Administration form is required each school year and for any changes to the current order during the school year.
- The prescribing health care provider and the parent/guardian must sign and date the authorization before any medication can be given at school.
- Only FDA-approved [regulated] medications will be administered by school personnel (i.e., no herbal medications, supplements, essential oils, etc.).
- Medication and treatment orders may only be accepted by a Florida licensed health care provider (F.S. 464.003(19)(b)).
- The parent or guardian is responsible for transporting medication to and from school and for direct delivery to an authorized school staff member.
- Prescribed medications must be in the original container with a pharmacy label, not expired, and matching the current physician's order.
- Over-the-counter medications must also be in the original unopened container, not expired, and labeled with the child's name.
- A medication count and co-signature for the delivery and receipt of the medication will be required.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to cut medication in accordance with the medication dosage on the pharmacy label and physician authorization.
- No more than a month’s supply (30-day supply) of controlled medication should be brought to school by a parent/guardian.
- Students are only allowed to carry metered dose asthma inhalers, pancreatic enzyme supplements, epinephrine auto-injectors and/or diabetes supplies, medication, and equipment with a completed authorization form from their parent/guardian and physician (F.S.1002.20 (3)(h), (i), (k) and/or (j)).
- No prescription narcotic analgesics will be administered at school.
- All medications must be removed from the school premises one week after the expiration date, upon appropriate notification of medication being discontinued, or at the end of the school year. If not retrieved by a parent/guardian, unused and unclaimed medication will be destroyed following proper disposal procedures.