Student Wellness

The School District of Lee County is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning through the development of lifelong wellness practices.

The Student Wellness Policy developed by the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) and The School District of Lee County's Wellness Policy Team is implemented as part of the requirements of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. SHAC and Wellness Team members include food service, school health curriculum, school administration, a school board member, parents, students, and community representatives in the healthcare field.

School Wellness

Schools can play an important role in the development of ensuring students establish healthy nutritious habits by providing nourishing meals, promoting nutrition education, and by promoting increased physical activity both in and out of school.

What are the requirements for Nutrition Education?

All Grade Levels - Advertising visible to students during the school day should be consistent with the USDA Smart Snack.

Elementary - A minimum equivalent of one hour of classroom nutrition education is to be provided each month as part of a comprehensive health education curriculum which promotes the relationship between personal behavior and health. Promote the integration of nutrition education into other areas of curriculum. Utilize the Florida Department of Education Health Education Benchmarks for each grade level.

Middle School - A minimum equivalent of one hour of classroom nutrition education is to be provided each month for all students as part of a comprehensive health education curriculum which promotes the relationship between personal behavior and health. Nutrition education will be incorporated into to Physical Education classes to reinforce the importance healthy nutrition.

High School - Nutrition Education will be provided through the Health Opportunities through Physical Education, HOPE. HOPE is a year-long health and physical education course required of all high school students. Schools will promote the integration of nutrition education into other areas of curriculum.

What are the requirements for Health Education?

All Grade Levels - As part of the Florida Coordinated School Health Program through the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, classroom health education will be specific to all grade levels by reinforcing the knowledge and self-management skills needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What are the requirements for Physical Activity?

Staff shall not deny participation in recess or other physical activity opportunities as a form of discipline or punishment unless the safety of students is in question.

Staff members shall not require the participation in physical activity, such as walking laps, as a form of discipline or punishment during the school day.

All Grade Levels -

  1. Will promote Physical Education and Activity as stated in The School Board of Lee County PreK-12 Physical Education Policy 3.07
  2. All school classrooms’ health education will complement physical education by reinforcing the knowledge and self-management skills needed to maintain a physically-active lifestyle
  3. Intramurals, walkers/runners clubs, and other physical activities events will be utilized, where possible and appropriate, as additional opportunities for physical activity

Elementary School - A minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity is required for all elementary school aged children within each school week as required by Policy 3.07

Middle School - Florida law requires the equivalent of one class period per day of physical education for one semester of each year for students enrolled in grades 6 through 8

High School - Physical education and activity will be provided through the Health Opportunities through Physical Education, HOPE