Safe Start Initiative

Safe Start Initiative Proposal
Ensuring your Child's Safety and the Efficiency of our Transportation System

Safe Start Initiative
Safe Start: January 7th Presentation
Safe Start: February 4th presentation
Episode 82: Safe Start Initiative

Start Safe InitiativeThe Safe Start Initiative is a significant step forward in ensuring the safety and efficiency of our transportation system. With a clear focus on enhancing the experience for both students and staff, this initiative is not just about better schedules—it's about building a future where our system is safer, more reliable, and sustainable for years to come in the School District of Lee County. By improving bus routes, tackling driver shortages, and ensuring timely arrivals, we’re making a tangible difference in our students’ daily lives.

But that’s not all—the Safe Start Initiative also unlocks additional instructional minutes in the day, empowering our students to achieve even greater success. We understand that these changes might require some adjustment to your family’s routine, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. With the Safe Start Initiative, we’re not just changing schedules; we’re creating a brighter future for our students and our community.

In partnership and with feedback from the School Board, Principals, and TALC, the Safe Start Initiative creates three tiers of start times instead of the current four. With the School Board's approval, the start and end times for the 2025-2026 school year would be:

High Schools
7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

K-8 Schools
7:30 a.m to 2:00 p.m.

Skyline Elementary and Hector A. Cafferata, Jr. Elementary
7:30 a.m. to -2:00 p.m.

All other Elementary Schools Including Young Parent Education Program and Early Childhood Learning Center
8:40 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.

Middle Schools Including Buckingham Exceptional Student Center, Royal Palm Exceptional Center and Success Academy
9:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

The three-tiered start system builds upon the efficiency already provided to busing by proximity-based school assignment zones. Spacing start times an hour apart allows drivers to finish one tier before moving onto the next. Students will spend less time waiting for a bus and more time engaged in learning. Drivers will be better focused on safety and reliability.

Once in place, the School District will monitor the system to make any necessary adjustments.