Vendor Fingerprinting

New Employee Fingerprinting

All new employees are required to be fingerprinted and screened by the Department of Professional Standards prior to attending New Employee Orientation. New employees requiring fingerprinting should consult with their hiring location for appropriate fingerprinting registration instructions. The fingerprinting process for new employees is different from the process to be cleared for vendor/contractor services.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Failure to follow the correct fingerprinting registration instructions may result in additional fees and delay employment eligibility or issuance of an instructional employee's teaching certificate.

Vendor Fingerprinting

Effective May 12, 2014, fingerprinting services for contractors with the School District of Lee County will be provided by Fieldprint. There are currently multiple local locations that offer Fieldprint fingerprinting services. Those locations, as well as the locations of additional authorized service centers in Florida and other states, are available on the Fieldprint registration website at

Please note: If you are an agent/representative of an insurance company wanting to provide services to District employees (i.e. life insurance, 403(b)s, etc.), you must contact Insurance & Benefits at (239) 337-8321 or [email protected] prior to beginning any portion of the process in obtaining an ID badge.

Contractors requiring fingerprinting may schedule an appointment at a date and time at a location convenient to them. The process to be cleared to provide services to the District and obtain a uniform statewide ID badge per the Jessica Lunsford Act has not changed. All contractors providing services when students are present or will have direct contact with students when providing services under the contract are required to be fingerprinted and screened by the Department of Professional Standards. In addition, the contractor’s Form I-9 must be provided to the District prior to badge approval and issuance.

Registration Instructions

  1. Go to Fieldprint® Florida to access the scheduling site.

  2. Select the “Schedule an Appointment” button.

  3. Enter your email address in the “New Users/Sign Up” section. Please note that you may register with your personal or work email.

  4. Select the "Continue" button.

  5. Enter the applicable information in the “Sign Up” Section.

  6. Select the "Continue" button.

  7. You will then need to indicate the reason why you are being fingerprinted.
    Select the “I know my fieldprint code” link.

  8. Enter the applicable Fieldprint code indicated below in the “Insert Fieldprint Code Here” section.

    Please note that the code is case sensitive.

    • Fieldprint Code for Vendor Fingerprinting and Badge: FPLCBadgePrints
    • Fieldprint Code for Vendor Replacement Badge Only: FPLeeCountyBadge (for badges that have been lost)
  9. Enter the applicable data in the “Personal Information” and “Demographic” sections. Please note the information requested is required by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)/Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

  10. Select the applicable information from the drop down menu in the “Additional Information” section.

  11. Enter your applicable address information in order to locate a convenient fingerprinting location.

  12. Select the “Find” button.

  13. Select a location and schedule an appointment.

  14. Select a payment option and complete all of the applicable payment fields.

  15. Please email Miriam Casiano at [email protected] when you have been printed to request your badge. Badges may be picked up from the Human Resources Department:
    Monday through Friday
    8:00 a.m. to 12:30p.m. and 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.

If you have any issues or questions regarding registration or your appointment, please contact Customer Service at (888) 472-8918 x 2440 or [email protected]. You may also select the “Contact Us" linkon the website. If you have questions regarding fingerprinting policies and procedures, please contact Miriam Casiano at (239) 939-6335 or [email protected].