May not hire if the applicant has an open/pending case (i.e. administrative alerts or holds) with the Florida Department of Education, Office of Professional Practices Services. Will not hire if the applicant has been convicted or found guilty of, has entered a plea of guilty to, has entered a plea of no contest, has had adjudication withheld or has entered into a pre-trial diversion program for the following offenses:
- Currently on Probation or the Applicant has a Criminal Case Pending
- Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of a Minor, Aged Person or Disabled Adult
- Arson
- Battery (if the victim was a minor)
- Burglary
- Domestic Violence (felony)
- Extreme Violence (aggravated assault/aggravated battery, murder, attempted murder)
- Extortion
- False Imprisonment
- Felony Drug Sale, Distribution, Trafficking and/or Manufacture
- Grand Larceny
- Grand Theft/Robbery
- Indecent Exposure
- Kidnapping
- Manslaughter (involuntary manslaughter, vehicular homicide)
- Pornography
- Prostitution or the Solicitation of Prostitution
- Resisting Arrest with Violence
- Robbery (including by sudden snatching, carjacking, home-invasion)
- Sexual Offense (lascivious, lewd, rape, sex with a minor, sexual battery, voyeurism, video voyeurism, incest, enticing or luring a child)
- Other offenses listed in §§435.04 and 1012.315, Florida Statutes
Will Not Hire if offense less than ten (10) years old; however, will consider and carefully review if older than ten (10) years.
- Felony Battery/Assault (excluding felony domestic violence)
- Felony Possession of a Concealed Weapon
- Forgery
- Multiple DUIs
- Welfare/Unemployment Fraud
Will Not Hire if offense less than five (5) years old; however, will consider and carefully review if older than five (5) years.
- Misdemeanor Battery/Assault
- Misdemeanor Domestic Violence
- Misdemeanor Drug and/or Paraphernalia
- Misdemeanor Possession of Concealed Weapon
Judgment. Case by case review. The review shall be conducted by a committee appointed by the Superintendent.
- Arrest without Violence
- Disorderly Conduct
- DUI – One Incident Only
- Larceny
- Multiple Criminal Offenses not included in paragraphs above
- Petty Theft (theft to deprive/retail theft/shoplifting)
- Sale of Alcohol to Minor
- Trespassing
- Worthless Checks
- Other Criminal Offenses
The offenses listed above are not intended to be a complete list of disqualifying criminal offenses.