Charter School Employees Fingerprinting Information
All new employees must complete the fingerprinting requirement at one of the Fingerprinting Service Centers. Employees are required to register on-line at to secure an appointment. The new fingerprinting fee at the Fingerprinting Service Centers is $49.00.
Fingerprinting Registration Instructions
- Click on to access the registration site.
- Click the “Schedule An Appointment” button.
- Enter your email address into the “New Users/Sign Up” section.
- Click the “Continue” button.
- Enter the applicable information into the “Sign Up” Section.
- Click the “Continue” button.
- You will then need to indicate the reason why you are being fingerprinted. Click the “I know my fieldprint code” link.
- Enter the applicable fieldprint code indicated below in the “Insert Fieldprint Code Here” section.
Please note that the code is case sensitive.
- Fieldprint Code for Certified Employees: FPSchoolLeeCoCert01
- Fieldprint Code for Non-Certified Employees: FPSchoolLeeCoNonCert2
- Enter the applicable data in the Personal Information and Demographic Information sections.
Please note the information requested is required by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)/Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
- Select the applicable information from the drop down menu in the Additional Information section
- Enter your applicable address information in order to locate a convenient fingerprinting location.
- Click the FIND button.
- Select a location and schedule an appointment.
- You will then need to select a payment option and complete all of the applicable payment fields. The fingerprinting fee is $49.00. All payments are final once fingerprints are taken.
- If you have any issues or questions regarding registration or your appointment, please contact Customer Service at (800) 799-1067 or at [email protected]. You may also select the “Contact Us” link on the website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to schedule an appointment for fingerprinting?
Yes, an appointment is required to be fingerprinted. Walk-ins are not accepted.
What if I fail to show up for my appointment, or cancel in less than 24 hours?
If you do not show up for your appointment, or cancel your appointment within less than 24 hours of your scheduled date and time, you will be charged a rescheduling fee.
What is the fingerprinting cost?
What types of payment can be used for fingerprinting?
Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) or Electronic Check
What personal information do I need to complete to register?
FDLE and FBI require the following demographic information to conduct a fingerprint-based background check:
- Name
- Alias (if any)
- Country of Citizenship
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- City & State of Birth
- Sex/Gender
- Race
- Height
- Weight
- Eye Color
- Hair Color
- Home Address
- Work/Office Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
How can I be sure that my personal information is protected during the fingerprinting process?
Fieldprint, Inc. is committed to safeguarding the privacy of the data they receive and process. For more in depth information regarding Fieldprint, Inc. privacy practices, please view their Privacy Policy, which is published on their website.
What do I need to bring to my fingerprinting appointment?
Two (2) forms of identification, at least one (1) of which must be a valid government-issued photo ID and your appointment number (included on your registration receipt).
What types of ID are accepted?
Acceptable primary IDs include:
- State-Issued Driver’s License
- State-Issued Non-Driver’s License ID Card
- U.S. Passport
- Military Identification Card
- Work Visa with Photo
Acceptable secondary IDs include:
- Social Security Card
- Credit Card
- Bank Statement
- Electric Bill
- Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- Citizenship or Naturalization Certificate