The Professional Development Department is dedicated to offering professional learning opportunities for all District employees throughout their careers to ensure that every employee receives meaningful feedback and the opportunity to learn and grow.
Professional Development Programs
Professional Learning Certification Program (PLCP): AlternativeLee Certified is the School District of Lee County’s alternate route to professional certification. Upon completion of the program, participants will have met state requirements to become professionally certified.
Professional Educator Competency Program: APPLES - The number one goal of the APPLES program is to retain beginning teachers in Lee County via a multi-tiered system of support. The APPLES program within Lee County is designed to provide beginning teachers with job-embedded learning opportunities for professional growth and reflection. Teachers who participate in induction programs and mentoring are more likely to stay in the profession and express job satisfaction because they are empowered to serve their students more effectively.
Career Ladder - The Lee County School District utilizes a Career Ladder to provide instructional staff the opportunity to earn additional compensation without leaving the classroom. Requirements for movement are established to help with the successful transition from one Career Ladder level to another.
Endorsements - The professional development department offers the following endorsement programs to district teachers: Reading, ESOL, Autism, Gifted, and Athletic endorsement. Endorsement programs are offered online multiple semesters each year. Teachers who are designated as out of field receive priority enrollment status.
Other professional learning opportunities - The School District of Lee County teachers have a variety of professional
development opportunities available to assist in obtaining and maintaining
professional certification. In addition to coursework offerings to assist
teachers with certification, the professional development department offers a variety of PD opportunities for
teachers to sharpen their craft and develop as instructional leaders.