SPALC Contract


Collective Bargaining Agreement Between
the School District of Lee County and
the Support Personnel Association of Lee County

FY25 (2024-2025 School Year)
FY26 (2025-2026 School Year)
FY27 (2026-2027 School Year)

November 2024




The Support Personnel Association of Lee County (SPALC) Collective Bargaining Agreement includes the terms of employment for all support staff, who are part of the SPALC bargaining unit regardless of whether they are dues paying SPALC members. The SPALC Collective Bargaining Agreement is an agreement made by The School Board of Lee County, on behalf of The School District of Lee County, and SPALC, on behalf of the support staff who serve the students of the District. The purpose of the SPALC Collective Bargaining Agreement is to promote a harmonious relationship between employees and their employer, to establish equitable procedures for resolution of differences, and to memorialize specified terms of employment. The SPALC Collective Bargaining Agreement is a living document that through the mutual agreement of the parties, the District and SPALC, can be modified to ensure responsiveness to the educational needs of our community without interruption to educational programs. The District prides itself on the positive relationship that has been built with the representatives of SPALC and seeks to continue this positive relationship through open, honest, and regular communication.


  1. Employee: The term “employee” shall refer only to employees in the bargaining unit as defined in Article 1.03 (Bargaining Unit).
    1. Full-Time: An employee who works twenty (20) or more hours per work week.
    2. Part-Time: An employee who works less than twenty (20) hours per work week.
  2. Board: The School Board of Lee County, Florida, or its duly authorized representative(s).
  3. Superintendent: The Superintendent of Schools for Lee County, Florida, or their designated representative(s).
  4. Association: The Support Personnel Association of Lee County (SPALC), which is the sole and exclusive certified bargaining agent for collective bargaining for the employees in the bargaining unit.
  5. Supervisor: For the purpose of this agreement, the term Supervisor shall mean the immediate supervisor, defined as follows: 
    1. Assigned to Single School/Site: In a school, the employee’s supervisor is the building principal or their designee.
    2. Assigned to Multiple Schools/Sites: If an employee works at more than one work site, the employee’s supervisor shall be the supervisor with whom a grievance is filed.
    3. Not Assigned to a School/Site: If an employee is not assigned to a school, the employee’s supervisor is the administrator by whom the employee is evaluated.
  6. Days: All references in this Agreement to days shall refer to calendar days except when specified otherwise.
  7. Workplace: “Workplace” is defined as the site for the performance of work done in connection with the duties of an employee of The School Board of Lee County. That term includes any place where the work of the School District is performed, including a school building or other school premises; any school owned vehicle or any other school-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or school activities; and off school property during any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function (such as a field trip, workshop, or athletic event). The workplace does not include duty-free time at conventions or workshops at which students are not present.