
Bayshore Buccaneers

Intramural Sports Program
Grades 4-6

Intramural Director -James Lefko [email protected]

Assistant Intramural Director -Jason Laux [email protected]


Requirements for Participation

Intramurals are an after school program for students in grades 4, 5 and 6. All 6th grade students participating in our intramural sports program must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in the quarter prior to the start of that sport's season. Students in 4th and 5th grade are permitted to participate if they have not received grades of N or U in any personal development category of their report card during the same time period outlined above. In addition, students cannot receive a referral for any behavioral incident requiring disciplinary action during the same time period. Follow the links (3) below for the required paperwork, which must be completed and submitted before participating.

1. This form must be completed once each school year. The physical form is good for one year from the date listed on the form: Required Physical Evaluation Form (to be completed by a licensed physician) .

2. This form must be completed once each school year: Intramural Release Form or Intramural Release Form - Spanish.

3. This form must be completed once each year for each sport (or any other after school activity) your child participates in: Student Participation - Parent Approval Form .


*Additional Note Regarding Communication

All sports have individual Google Classrooms. Student athletes have been added to the Google Classroom for each sport they plan to participate in. Please have your child login to Google at home using their LCSD (school) credentials in order to access all of the information being provided.


Winter 2025 Intramural Sports


November 5th - January 31st 

 Coaches: Brittainy Palumbo & Courtney Brown

Google Classroom Link: Bucs Cheerleaders


Flag Football

January 6th - January 31st

Coaches: Ben Ausman, Jason Laux, Corey Doughty, & Jordan Peters

Google Classroom Link: Bucs Flag Football



February 3rd - February 27th

 Coaches: Lauren Schwartzman & Mikayla Barrs

Google Classroom Link: Bucs Soccer


Each sport has a unique schedule. Please click this Buccaneers Sports Calendar for schedule information. *Please note: schedules are fluid and can be changed for a variety of reasons. The most up to date information will be provided by your child's coach in each sport's Google Classroom.