Certified instructional personnel or those employed in a position requiring a certificate.
View Contract the FY21-FY23 TALC Contract
The support staff bargaining unit includes employees on the SPALC Salary Schedule.
View Contract FY21-FY23 SPALC Contract
Joint Communications:
Joint Communication 1: Covid-19 (Continuation of Pay and Essential Personnel) - 3.16.20
Joint Communication 2: Covid-19 (Continuation of Pay) - 3.18.20
Joint Communication 3: Covid-19 (Superintendent's Press Conference) - 3.19.20
Joint Communication 4: Covid-19 (Communication Efforts) - 3.20.20
Joint Communication 5: Covid-19 (General Employment Practices) - 3.23.20
Joint Communication 6: Covid-19 (Working Conditions) - 3.24.20
Joint Communication 7: Covid-19 (Work Schedule) - 3.25.20
Joint Communication 8: Covid-19 (Performance Evaluation) - 3.26.20
Joint Communication: Covid-19 (Summary/Recap 1) - 3.31.20
Joint Communication 9: Covid- 19 (Disciplinary Procedures) - 3.31.20
Joint Communication 10: Covid-19 (FFCRA and CARES Act) - 4.6.20
Joint Communication 11: Covid-19 (Return To Work Contact ) - 6.30.20
Joint Communication 12: Covid-19 (Pay Calendars) - 8.25.20
Joint Communication 13: Covid-19 (Assignment of Duties) - 9.11.20
Joint Communication 14: Covid-19 (TALC Timeline) - 9.11.20
Joint Communication 15: Covid-19 (SPALC Timeline) - 9.11.20
Joint Communication 16: Covid-19 (Technology-Notice) - 9.14.20
Joint Communication 17: Covid-19 (Consolidated Information) - 9.18.20
Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs):
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Covid-19 - 3.20.20
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - (Laws, Work Arrangements, and Protected Health Information) - 4.15.20
TALC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Ratified Covid-19 Agreement- 8.18.20
Board Approved TALC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Ratified Covid-19 Agreement - 9.23.20
SPALC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Ratified Covid-19 Agreement- 8.19.20
Board Approved SPALC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Ratified Covid-19 Agreement -9.23.20
FY21 SPALC Covid MOU (Amendment) - 1.15.21
FY21 SPALC Isolation Room MOU - 1.15.21
FY21 TALC Covid MOU (Amendment) 1.15.21
FY22 TALC Covid MOU - Ratified 10.20.21
Other Resources:
District-wide Update Page: Covid-19
TALC Information Session Covid-19 MOU - 9.11.20
TALC E-Ratification Voting
SPALC Information Session Covid-19 MOU - 9.11.20
SPALC E-Ratification Voting
Joint Communication: ESSER Consensus with Appendix C - 01.12.22
Joint Communication: ESSER Consensus - 02.11.22
Joint Communication: TALC Bargaining Update - 3.19.22
TALC Joint Communication 3.31.22 (Bargaining Update)
TALC Joint Communication (TA Timeline) 4.11.22
TALC Joint Communication (Consensus) 1.18.23
TALC Joint Communication 3.8.23 (Implementation Update)
Adjunct Teacher - Lee Virtual School
Amendments to Appendix E (Instructional Supplement Salary Schedule)
Inventors Fair, History Fair, Mock Trial, Esports Coach, and FEA Sponsor
FY22 Instructional Supplement Salary Schedule 6.11.21
FY22 TALC Computer Science MOU 10.01.21
FY22 TALC Covid MOU (Ratified) 10.20.21
FY22 TALC ESSER Classroom Coverage MOU 1.12.22
FY22 Career Ladder MOU
FY23 ESSER Classroom Coverage MOU Amendment - 8-11-22
FY23 Instructional Supplement Salary Schedule
FY23 Educational Emergency MOU 11-15-22
FY24 Educational Emergency MOU 8-3-23
FY24 Turnaround School Supplement MOU 8-3-23
FY24 TALC Safety and Security Opengate Supplements MOU 12-7-23
FY25 Educational Emergency MOU 08-28-2024
FY25 TALC MOU Agreement to Extend Timelines_10.15.2024
FY25 TALC MOU School Behavior Contact_11.07.2024
Career Ladder Document
Overview of the Interest-Based Process
FY22 ESSER Classroom Coverage FAQ - 2.28.22
FY23 PD Early Dismissal Day Guidelines
FY21 SPALC Performance Evaluation MOU - 4.9.21
FY21 SPALC Hold Harmless MOU - 4.9.21
FY22 SPALC Covid MOU 8.25.21
FY22 SPALC Transportation RTM MOU - Ratified 11.03.21
FY22 SPALC MOU - Retention Bonus - 3.2.22
FY22 SPALC MOU Paraprofessionals - 3.2.22
FY22 SPALC MOU Classroom Coverage - 3.2.22
FY22 SPALC Consolidation of Paraprofessional and Helping Teacher Job Descriptions MOU 7.1.22
FY22 SPALC Minimum Wage MOU - 8.1.2022
FY23 SPALC Class Coverage MOU - 9.6.22
FY23 SPALC Food and Nutrition Services MOU - 9.6.22
Joint Communication: SPALC Timeline - 08.19.21
SPALC Joint Communication 4.12.22 (TA)
SPALC Joint Communication 4.12.22 (Bargaining Summary)
SPALC Joint Communication Consensus 9.29.23
FY19 Safe Driver Plan
FY19 SPALC Terms of Employment (Contract) FAQ