Overview of ESEA

One of the central federal laws governing American education is The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), which was first signed into law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. The law still exists, and it has been expanded, amended, and reauthorized on several occasions. One such reauthorization occurred when President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). The most reauthorization occurred when President Barack Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015(ESSA).

The law is dividing into major titles and parts, and these are used to identify the various federal grant programs that are then administered by the states and local school districts.

The Department of Grants & Program Development serves as the clearinghouse for all federal grant projects, including the ESEA grants, and provides guidance to the principal investigators of each of these grants.

Coordinating Committee

Implementation of ESEA programs is supervised by a coordinating committee of District staff members, including the principal investigators of each of the various grant programs. Committee members work together to ensure that ESEA programs are implemented with fidelity, in harmony with other grant programs and with the District's strategic plan, and in the best interest of students and their families.

Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act

As the Superintendent's key administrator for all instructional issues, the Chief Academic Officer oversees the District's overall implementation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act legislation, including is reauthorization and amendment by the Every Student Succeeds Act. As part of the District's Division of Academic Services, the Department of Grants and Program Development serves as the clearinghouse for all ESEA-related issues.


This law is complex and interrelated with many other major pieces of legislation and areas of professional expertise. To improve implementation and communication, the District has established a coordinating committee that meets as needed, in part or in whole.

Expert program knowledge is necessary for certain conversations and decisions, so one or more area specialists for each of ESEA's various titles have also been identified. These title area specialists can provide extensive information about ongoing federal programs in their respective areas.

Chief Academic Officer

Coordinating Committee Chairperson

Alternative certification

Assessment and evaluation


Career education

Certification, credentials, & staffing

Charter schools

Data collection & reporting

  • TBA

Differentiated accountability

Early intervention & prekindergarten

English learners

Exceptional student education and IDEA

Financial accounting

Foster student education

Grants & Program Development

Homeless student education

Impact Aid

Instructional technology

Intervention programs

Legal issues

Legislative issues and bill tracking

Neglected and delinquent children and youth

Planning and projections

Private school participation

Professional development


School choice

iSchool improvement (Title I)

Student services

Teacher recruitment and retention

Questions, Concerns, Suggestions, & Complaints

The Department of Grants & Program Development welcomes questions, concerns, and suggestions regarding any aspect of the District's implementation of ESEA. Direct inquiries to the Coordinating Committee Chair or other team member.

Any person wishing to submit a formal complaint regarding the District's implementation of any ESEA program may do so according to the complaint process provided below